
Well-Known Member

What is suggested for use on the wood to keep the finish nice after months of heavy handling? I have a standard Cherry wood nano and it seems like it wants some treatment.


JoJo Woodworks
Accessory Maker
I use beeswax on mine. Little bit on a lint free cloth, rub it on, let it sit for a moment and clean it off. I try to do it at night and let the log sit for awhile before using again, but the smell with wax is minimal.


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
Will Stainless steel tip NonGs and Direct Draw nylon stems from Underdog work well with the Nano?? (not sure if the ID is the same) or is it better to use Glass attachments for this one?


Well-Known Member
Don't know about the UD parts but I have one of Eds TNT and it works well but I still prefer a factory water tool and a section of silicone tubing for dry hits. Its easier to clean things up after use and the parts packs into a very small package for storage or transport.


Well-Known Member
Loving the nano after a week or so of usage, using it through my cheap bong a lot, i havent really got anything to add to the thread that hasnt already been said loads of times, but if you are thinking about getting this vape, do it!, you will not be dissapointed...


Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
Just got mine and loving it.
So I just do it until there is no more visible vapor at any temp?

Sounds like a plan. Although I'd be careful about raising the temp too high. You don't want to char and get that nasty taste in your glass. I usually set it at 6-6.25 and leave it there for my sessions.

You'll get comfortable with a certain temp setting for most situations. After a short time, you'll know how many hits you can get from a average sized bowl. I get 3-4 hits from the bowls I pack with the type of herb I've been vaping. Your nano may run hotter or cooler than others.

Feel free to experiment. ;)


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Used some kosher kush sandwiched some shatter in the middle. Very awesome with the enano on temp 6.5. Feeling ready for bed.:zzz::leaf: Been having a lot of muscle cramping in my legs and feet today. The weather has been really wet and stormy. Thank goodness for cannabis my medicine of choice. I seem to do much better in the summer with the dry heat. I've heard others say the same thing regarding the wet and cold weather.

I would like to spend part of the year where it's dryer to see if I feel better physically.
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Well-Known Member
If anyone is looking for a great deal on glass such as the Mobius Ion with the Matrix percolator (on sale for $264), they are on sale this weekend. Everything in the store is like 20% off. Check out ; please tell Jon I referred you. There is only 1 Ion left!
Awesome! If I had the dough right now, I'd probably spring for this. Very satisfied with my D020-D though; I consider it already close to the perfect experience with water.

I did recently get a new toy that I already posted about in the Transformer Tubes thread, but I suppose the picture is Nano-relevant as well:

I put one piece of steel ice in it to get a bit of cooling, which is nice. It's clunky compared to the D020-D, but on the other hand, when I use this, I don't have to worry about breakage of anything but the downstem and GonG, and the downstem is a really common length (5", IIRC--I already happened to have one spare).


Oil Painter
Awesome! If I had the dough right now, I'd probably spring for this. Very satisfied with my D020-D though; I consider it already close to the perfect experience with water.

I did recently get a new toy that I already posted about in the Transformer Tubes thread, but I suppose the picture is Nano-relevant as well:

I put one piece of steel ice in it to get a bit of cooling, which is nice. It's clunky compared to the D020-D, but on the other hand, when I use this, I don't have to worry about breakage of anything but the downstem and GonG, and the downstem is a really common length (5", IIRC--I already happened to have one spare).
Hey, @ataxian , have you seen Steele/Transformer Tubes? Might be a pal for your ENano, too...


Hey, @ataxian , have you seen Steele/Transformer Tubes? Might be a pal for your ENano, too...
CARR MCMASTER has the tubing (as)
I broke some more GonG's this week.

I put some Teflon plumbers tape on my WonG.

There's a bundle of nylon tubing in my garage I'll take to the machine shop and make a few. I break glass all the time!

I have 6 ounces of ABV I would like to make your lotion with it.
The taste of vaporizing would be awful!

I had a bunch of strawberry cough class and the taste with a NANO OMG!


Well-Known Member
Guys, I really want to buy a log vape, but am in Europe (so need a 240v version).

The enano website clearly states that they only make 110v versions, so are there any alternatives for us Europeans??


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
Me and my brother are swapping! He's taking my UD and I'm taking his Nano for two weeks! I love both of these things equally, he has a maple nano, and I'm a sucker for the lighter woods.. He doesn't have any gongs for it but that's okay! Last time I used it, 6.5 was my sweet spot. We'll see with this new strain/outlet!

So @KidFated. Now that you have played with both which one do you honestly prefer? I am leaning towards the UD ONLY because I really like the idea of the nylon NonGs with SS tips as a second option to the Glass, and they are included for free. Of course the variable temp is a Plus for the Nano but I will get a little Tattoo VVPS to solve that. What do you think? UD Vs. E-Nano final head to head IYHO?


Unknown Member
Honestly, they each have their own pros and cons, but I couldn't say one is better than the other.. The vvps is nice to fine tune temps, but it's another piece of equipment out on my vape station. The nanos dial is nice but not as precise as a vvps. The nylon stems are my usual go to, but the nano is just as efficient if you let t be. It's honestly a toss up!


If God is the answer, then the question is wrong
Guys, I really want to buy a log vape, but am in Europe (so need a 240v version).

The enano website clearly states that they only make 110v versions, so are there any alternatives for us Europeans??

As the other italianano told you a simple step down converter do the job very good (take a 100-150w). Otherwise ask @Alan if he has some HI old units remaining (heat island runs on dc 12V) otherwise there is underdog but they do not sell over sea.
I suggest you enano; I too was skeptic about step down converter at the beginning, waiting for a EU version, but i decide to take it and I am very happy since


Well-Known Member
As the other italianano told you a simple step down converter do the job very good (take a 100-150w). Otherwise ask @Alan if he has some HI old units remaining (heat island runs on dc 12V) otherwise there is underdog but they do not sell over sea.
I suggest you enano; I too was skeptic about step down converter at the beginning, waiting for a EU version, but i decide to take it and I am very happy since

That's great, thanks. I found a 300w transformer for around €35, so that would work.


New Member
Hi, occasional lurker here. Just made the plunge on Saturday and ordered a cherry E-Nano!!! I had a couple of questions about it though. Does the unit itself reek of weed after you're done with a session? Will anyone smell it if they walked into my room and it was sitting on my desk?

Also, can anyone recommend a good carrying/travel case for the unit? Perhaps a smell proof one like Ryot?
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