
Well-Known Member
Hey girls and guys! I have a couple questions in anticipation of my E-Nano arriving tomorrow :) I know these have been covered before and I have done some searching, but I was hoping to get some fresh new answers.
First, I didn't order a GonG as I have one on order from Joda, but realize I need one now that can also be a backup once the Joda arrives. Which GonG is preferable from Epic, the adjustable or fixed?
Second, I currently have a JhanPixel UFO with removable mouthpiece (custom order) that works great with my solo, and I assume it will work great with the E-Nano as well. As it is my only glass I was wanting to order a new companion piece to the E-Nano. I have seen mention of the FC-UFO, FC-186, FC-187, D022, D020, and GB-187. As new glass is always coming up on DHGate, are there any other favorites out there?
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Well-Known Member
That's not a bad idea, however I don't have any hard numbers to prove whether it's true or not. I'ts just my theory based on fairly small sample. As I'm sure anybody who works with wood knows; sometimes wood just cracks (on very rare occasions they split wide open) . That's why I warranty the wood for two years against cracking or splitting.
i did not know this!


Well-Known Member
@durtndur Use about what you think that you will need. Are you going for 2 hits or 4. I can get about 4 draws. I just make sure my cannabis isn't too close to the heater core. You don't want your bud butting up next to the heat and geting charred.

Try different heights to see what works. Start out with a small amount of cannabis and go up from there.

Less is usually better with the Enano. If you try to pack too much it will be harder to draw. I never measure my cannabis so I really don't know how much exactly that I use with the GonG, I can guess.

Just tested out the adjustable gong and the airflow was way better :D I got way better flavor too since I was able to have the herb further away from the heating element. Great success!


Well-Known Member
@durtndur I'm new to my nano, but much as caligula will tell you (link) you want a tiny amount with a low temperature that's as close to the heater stand (a couple mm, really) for flavor.

For me, 6.25 gives really good 2-3 hit results, even with mids, with a small chillum bowl worth right up by the bowl.... tamped down slightly.
Can't help but remind me of my nano
On a scale from 1 to 10, how disrespectful would it be to turn that into a giant wooden (glass insert lined?) steamroller/wp for the nano?

It puts the bud on the basket screen and it gets the hose again!


Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
Just wanted to say thanks to Enchantre for the great vid on using the nano. I'm expecting mine at the end of the week and was looking for some tips on use. I have to say that I've watched it a few times, it is a fun one to watch when vaped.

I went with an adjustable gong also, and Andy threw in some basket screens for me.


@durtndur Use about what you think that you will need. Are you going for 2 hits or 4. I can get about 4 draws. I just make sure my cannabis isn't too close to the heater core. You don't want your bud butting up next to the heat and geting charred.

Try different heights to see what works. Start out with a small amount of cannabis and go up from there.

Less is usually better with the Enano. If you try to pack too much it will be harder to draw. I never measure my cannabis so I really don't know how much exactly that I use with the GonG, I can guess.

@doubledown i have the D020-D bubbler from dhgate it works really well. I have the D020 bubbler too it works well with the Solo but IMO not so much for the Enano.
You may like the D020-D

I use the D022 with a modified perk the most.

Right now I have a FC UFO set up
with GODS GIFT and a fixed glass disc GonG!

Don't do what I do!
Do what works for you!


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
@ataxian knows his glass. Hey buddy I posted a pic of you over in the grasshopper shipping thread.

I like using the fixed glass stem as well as the adjustable basket. You just need to use less product with the fixed screen. Some folks don't want to adjust the basket they want to put their product in and go. The glass fixed stem is easy to clean. It's nice to have the option of both. Every Enano owner needs to have both.

It's helpful if you are new to the nano is to read through 20 pages or so to get you up to speed.
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@ataxian knows his glass. Hey buddy I posted a pic of you over in the grasshopper shipping thread.

I like using the fixed glass stem as well as the adjustable basket. You just need to use less product with the fixed screen. Some folks don't want to adjust the basket they want to put their product in and go. The glass fixed stem is easy to clean. It's nice to have the option of both. Every Enano owner needs to have both.
I don't know much about glass!
My collection is ridiculous.

Gods Gift not only taste amazing but it will destroy you!


thoroughly vaped
Hey guys,

my adjustable gong arrived today! does anyone have any tips for it? I was using the fixed screen gong before.

How far should I push the screen down? how much do you pack down your herb in the adjustable?

thanks guys and happy vaping!

If you don't turn the heat up too high (more than 6.5 or so most of the time on my nano IMO), a good starting setting for the screen is to use the arm of the e-pik. Use the long armed side to push down the screen until the little notch is resting on the top ledge of the glass. Load a small bit and try to make it close to the heater element but not touching, as others have said. I usually load it fluffy a little high in the tube then give it a light tamp. Some people use the e-pik short arm to gauge the top of the load by putting center of rounded out part on ledge, but it doesn't seem to work too well for me (older GonGs?). If you think you might have hit the load with the heater, just pull nano before hitting and look at it. A few flakes will usually stick to heater screen if it touches - nothing a good blow or quick tap with the e-pik won't knock off. Stir after every two hits and enjoy!

If you like the temp higher, do the same but just push down screen a bit further to leave a little more space between load and heater.

I still use the flat end of a golf pencil to tamp my load. Notches on the side at your favorite screen depth and max load depth make it pretty consistently foolproof as long as you don't get too stoned and mix the lines up. After a while you kind of just get a feel for loading it how you like. Haven't even marked the last pencil or two.

Hey girls and guys! I have a couple questions in anticipation of my E-Nano arriving tomorrow :) I know these have been covered before and I have done some searching, but I was hoping to get some fresh new answers.
First, I didn't order a GonG as I have one on order from Joda, but realize I need one now that can also be a backup once the Joda arrives. Which GonG is preferable from Epic, the adjustable or fixed?
Second, I currently have a JhanPixel UFO with removable mouthpiece (custom order) that works great with my solo, and I assume it will work great with the E-Nano as well. As it is my only glass I was wanting to order a new companion piece to the E-Nano. I have seen mention of the FC-UFO, FC-186, FC-187, D022, D020, and GB-187. As new glass is always coming up on DHGate, are there any other favorites out there?

Instead of D020, you might want to check D020-D. I have a precursor and really like the volume it gives while still being pretty small for easy travel. I do like GB-187 even better, and love my jhan UFO! Removable MP on that must be nice, especially if you're taking her visiting. :tup:

@durtndur I'm new to my nano, but much as caligula will tell you (link) you want a tiny amount with a low temperature that's as close to the heater stand (a couple mm, really) for flavor.

For me, 6.25 gives really good 2-3 hit results, even with mids, with a small chillum bowl worth right up by the bowl.... tamped down slightly.

On a scale from 1 to 10, how disrespectful would it be to turn that into a giant wooden (glass insert lined?) steamroller/wp for the nano?

It puts the bud on the basket screen and it gets the hose again!

Nicely said, Jon. Still my fav way to nano! However you usually like your nano, it's worth checking that caligula vid and giving it a whirl yourself. Even if you prefer not to reload every 3 - 4 hits (or 2 if you have lungs like his!), it's a nice place to start for further personal tweaking.


Well-Known Member
Hello fellas! I'm a vaporent (redditor), I own an Arizer Solo and S&B's Plenty, and after too much time dreaming about the nano, I finally made a move and ordered a nano with a fixed stem and a gong.
The order was processed so fast! You are epic, epicvape. I love you already.


Full Steam Ahead
I don't know much about glass!
My collection is ridiculous.

Gods Gift not only taste amazing but it will destroy you!
Damn... I was a joint smoker from the 70's - pre bong! I know zero about glass. I do have a DHgate piece. I think it's a d20 or something. One day I'll have to play...

@durtndur I'm new to my nano, but much as caligula will tell you (link) you want a tiny amount with a low temperature that's as close to the heater stand (a couple mm, really) for flavor.

For me, 6.25 gives really good 2-3 hit results, even with mids, with a small chillum bowl worth right up by the bowl.... tamped down slightly.

I followed your above procedure to the tee. Holy Fuck! the tamping slightly is a huge improvement. If I make any more improvements like this, I might not be able to type!
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Damn... I was a joint smoker from the 70's - pre bong! I know zero about glass. I do have a DHgate piece. I think it's a d20 or something. One day I'll have to play...

I followed your above procedure to the tee. Holy Fuck! the tamping slightly is a huge improvement. If I make any more improvements like this, I might not be able to type!
Look I know nothing about glass?
I just have way too much of it!


Well-Known Member
flotntoke, the removable mouthpiece is nice. I bought a lunchbox sized pelican case knockoff from MCM Electronics and the whole piece fits inside. Easily transportable :)

CarolKing, I think I'll take your advice and order one of each type GonG. Never a bad idea to have backups!

Edit: Both GonGs ordered.
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Damn... I was a joint smoker from the 70's - pre bong! I know zero about glass. I do have a DHgate piece. I think it's a d20 or something. One day I'll have to play...

I followed your above procedure to the tee. Holy Fuck! the tamping slightly is a huge improvement. If I make any more improvements like this, I might not be able to type!
Mr. Backdraft,

The D020 I love with my SOLO!
D022 or FC UFO are nice with a NANO!
@CarolKing loves the D020-D.
I would buy one expect I have no space!


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow vapers. I have a question, has anyone else had Problems receiving their order. My order should be shipped via Usps. But I dont receive anything. I have already ordered on the 3rd of August. Andy toll my my first shippment got lost in the mail. So he sent my another one. But I havent received anything yet. I cant belive im having so much Bad luck, that my order got lost a second time. So what can I do now. Has anyone any suggestions? Pls help me I ve sent them more than 500 bucks. And since Im a Student attending university i had to save a really long time for that money.
Andy please help me please


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow vapers. I have a question, has anyone else had Problems receiving their order. My order should be shipped via Usps. But I dont receive anything. I have already ordered on the 3rd of August. Andy toll my my first shippment got lost in the mail. So he sent my another one. But I havent received anything yet. I cant belive im having so much Bad luck, that my order got lost a second time. So what can I do now. Has anyone any suggestions? Pls help me I ve sent them more than 500 bucks. And since Im a Student attending university i had to save a really long time for that money.
Andy please help me please

Yep, there has been all sorts of things going on with delivery. If you skim back a few pages you can get a real good picture of what went on. On the upside it seems like things are smoothing out now.


Well-Known Member
Welle I already left Andy ( Ace of vape) a private message on the 21th of August.
But he never replied. I ve also sent them a message to their customerservice Mail addresse also to no avail. Ive also talked to nadia numerous times and also one time to Andy him self.Any ideas what i can do besides that?
Thank you guys!!!
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