@Tickdickler "I'm not sure how quickly things are moving along? You might want to call Nadia and ask how quickly you would be receiving your unit.
Epicvape is in the Pacific Time Zone they are located in CA - I think they close at 5:00 and it's Friday. They won't be open Saturday or Sunday."
Things are moving slowly still. We are incredibly close to being caught up!!
I can't complain because watching the Nano lovers grow is incredibly rewarding. If we continue to stay this busy we will most likely be bringing in another pair of hands to assist. Even if it's just to help answer the calls and emails. Andy and I want to make sure everyone is getting the best possible product and customer service and unfortunately I do not have super human capabilities. One day maybe. In the meantime we will continue to push forward! That being said we are experiencing continued delays with new and a few older orders.
I would love to work with you two,but the 2500+mile commute would be a drag.I can't complain because watching the Nano lovers grow is incredibly rewarding. If we continue to stay this busy we will most likely be bringing in another pair of hands to assist. Even if it's just to help answer the calls and emails.
I would love to work with you two,but the 2500+mile commute would be a drag.
Things are moving slowly still. We are incredibly close to being caught up!!
I can't complain because watching the Nano lovers grow is incredibly rewarding. If we continue to stay this busy we will most likely be bringing in another pair of hands to assist. Even if it's just to help answer the calls and emails.
I would love to work with you two,but the 2500+mile commute would be a drag.
Another vote for Snappo wood and EdsTnT I can't wait to try them with my Nano and UD's!
Trying to register my e-Nano. What does "Post Title" mean? Is there something I need to do to get the lifetime warranty? I used the FC code when I bought it...
The MFLB Nano Grinder, grinds to a really nice consistency for the E-Nano. Go figure.
I never end up reusing ISO, I tend to clean all my glass at once and dislike having dirty iso sitting around till the next cleaning... just one more thing to knock over or spill in the shop. Considering the inexpensive nature of it, I just toss it.
I built some 2,700 year old REDWOODJust got back from a trip up to NorCal. Found some amazing redwood burl and walnut slabs. Check our instagram feed @epicvape to see more.
Now back to whittling.
Not to sound materailistic!
Cannabis makes
you smarter!
I love to read!The whole last semester, after the lectures of the day were finished (typically ending with calculus 2), me and my stoner buddy would go out to the bus stop and vape it up with our PAXes. Then we'd go right back into our little study room hangout on campus, and do our physics, calculus and linear algebra homework.
I'm pretty sure it was doing that that kept my nerves in order and allowed me to maintain my 4.0 GPA.