I thought I would share that I made a mistake....I went to another website.

I am sorry I won't do that again. Obviously no one likes the E-Nano because it has flow restrictions and AC scares them. I have never heard of anyone getting shocked or killed from their E-Nano. If the air flow is restricted maybe he should of cleaned his screen?...I won't make the mistake of straying again...I promise!
If you honestly think that you're going to escape my totally inaccurate silliness by staying here at FC, you got another thing commin' !!

But seriously, I did not mean to be calling out the E-Nano as having restricted airflow. What I was "trying" to do was compare the EVO, the VripTech and the LSV to log vapes in general when they are mated to a waterpipe. Hell, I didn't even mention the E-Nano in my post.
Now if the E-Nano has the same free flow characteristics as the 3 vapes that I mentioned above, than I should have excluded it in my general statement about logs and I thank you for I have learned something new today.
( Oh be careful he has over 9,000 post!

10,125 to be exact (at this time),

and all that means is that I have wayyyyy tooooo much time on my hands.
Yeah, well LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL back at ya !!!
Oh, and Stu, thank for tagging me in this thread otherwise I never would have seen it. I mean, shit, I need to keep my reputation intact.