Oldest boy alive
I wonder if this is connected with her updating the website?So in preparation of BF sale, I went to EV.com to see which accessories I really don't need. I looked over both pages, double scanned them and WOW, they are out of the accessories I would want. No single adjustable-screen regular or x-long Nano stems! That's the main item most existing users want/need, with the exception of @ataxian who buys his gongs in bulk. So it doesn't matter what the sale is if the products aren't in stock... a little surprised that EV wouldn't be stocked up on basic parts in preparation for the BF & xmas shopping season. Maybe @nadia_epic has the answer? I can't understand it.
Or maybe they sold out more then expected?
But that can't really be with adjustable stems and gong's? Seams little to basic to run out so fast
.. I was going to say something about not breaking a stem for long so I better just shut up about it

@pxl_jockey how are you mostly using the Enano?, think you might have also a hopper and PFE?
Been using mine now all the time with 14mm on a PFE with the long wooden drip tip 

If anyone else got the right item then give it a try and let me know how it went!?
I really don't like the basic Enano stem because I find it too harsh but this feels smooth and makes me want a Ed TnT stem