@ataxian is playing strain roulette! Both activities have a certain appeal, really a win-win.
So fuckin' Civilized. My autocorrect hates it, but dialogue w/you requires civilised be spelled
"properly" so that my transmission will be received. You, sir, are an inspiration! And the devil.

You are making (yes, MAKING) me want more glass like j-hooks and ash-catchers. You will
plead innocence, claiming I must "do what's best for you and your situation". But know this:
You break the glass, you buy new glass, I covet your glass. Ipso facto, you make me.
Heck, you make me want to try different mouthpieces I'm not even sure I'd like. That's Voodoo!
But you also made me want a Nano, so looks like I'm rolling with the devil! I love my nano so much,
daily I give thanks to/for EpicVape. The Nano is an amazing device, seemingly simple in design yet
capable of discrete variations depending on user knowledge/experience. I could use it straight away
but the joy has been in the discovery of little nuances it's capable of. Flavour, power, efficiency. I know
my Scottish ancestors are looking down, nodding with pride, as I put the tiniest amount in a stem.
I could be a micro-doser but for the fact I tend to keep reloading! But still, it's less than using a one-hitter.
@snackmaster your tip on the glass over at ShatterKitchen.com is so on-point. Wow so nice and in my price-range/life-style bracket. Not sure if you posted here or elsewhere but I needed to express my
gratitude. I love FC for many reasons, stuff like this is one of them. You get the gold star today!
@SloJimFizz - Sending you and all my FC peeps in harm's way the very best vibes.
Hunker down and stay up. Stay safe! Peace to all in NANO-NATION, love ya!