Well-Known Member
The Enano XL will be begin shipping at the end of January.
Newly designed heating engine with pre-heater allows the Xl to run 2-3 clicks cooler with more headroom for increased bowl size. With 2x mass to retain heat for larger, longer sessions.
Increased bowl diameter and depth allows for up to 70% bigger loads, depending on how densely you pack your bowl.
Larger heater surface area allows for a better seal between stem and heater.
Basket screen prevents load from falling onto the heater.
Larger more stable anodized aluminum base is 4x the mass.
Standard kit includes matching Power Puck temperature controller.
Backward compatible with all older power cords.
Pre-orders starting next week.
Shipping begins at the end of January.
Complete kits starting at $279.
So tomorrow is the last day of January… There’s still hope!