My E-Nano arrived 20 minutes ago! Keep in mind everything I say now is just a first impression. I obviously haven't had time to really test this thing, just to get it going and rip through a single stem.
Let me first say that it is beautiful. Much higher quality than I had anticipated. And it's got a very smooth feel to it. Must be that beeswax

. Which makes me ask, Andy, how long until we'll need to give it another coat? Next, this log is SMALL. In fact, I find that when I hold it my hand, I either have my ring finger or pinky finger holding the bottom while my other fingers grip it. There's actually not enough room for my whole hand to be on it lol. It's really comfortable to hold IMO. Someone with bigger hands may not feel the same way? But for me, I think it's as small as I would want it. Really the perfect size and I find that small size makes it a lot sexier than other logs I've seen. *Keep your mind out of the gutter, we're talking about vaporizers*
The stem is like a taller Solo stem. It feels pretty sturdy, though I think I'll be ordering another for back up. It's got a nice glass screen with 7 holes. The holes are smaller than the ones on the Solo stem. I weighed out my bud at .1g exactly. I'm not sure I could have fit more, but I will try to later. So for now, I'd say the stem holds up to .1.
The unit heats up really quickly. I didn't time it, but it was ready by the time I packed the stem (I ate a little bit of bud sucking it up into the stem... one negative to the glass screen). I started with the dial turned to 3. It's marked from 0-11, but can only be turned from 0-10. The 11 is just a space filler where the dial won't reach. I like it. Nice touch. At 3 o'clock I took 2 hits. The first took a little bit to get the vapor going and produced a modest mist, but had a good clean flavor. The Fortune Cookies I'm using is a bit old, so I don't want to comment too much on the flavor now. It was good. Not phenomenal. But I'm 95% certain it'll be significantly better when I try a fresher strain in a couple hours. The second hit maintained the good flavor and produced a small cloud. Honestly, that second hit was pretty on par with my low temp hits from the VXC.
Next I gave it a stir and turned it up to 5. WOW. I got a FAT hit that put me into a 30 second coughing fit and I rarely ever if ever cough. That one surprised the hell out of me. Then I gave it another stir (it was looking a bit uneven) and took another equally large hit, but this time I was expecting it and was able to prepare for its size lol. After that, the bowl was completely and evenly spent, a solid dark brown.
I am REALLY impressed with the Nano after one stem. After using the Cloud for the past year, I was a bit worried about getting a new desktop. But one stem in, I see a hopeful future

I will post video tonight! I'm just waiting for an e-mail back from Andy to answer a quick couple questions.
BTW! I haven't tested, and I wont' be testing it because I can't risk it, but I would guess that the Nano is capable of combustion at higher numbers on the dial. At 5 the ABV was as dark as I'd want it. 6 may have actually combusted it. I wasn't going to find out. This strain was older and dry though, so a fresher, wetter strain probably needs 6 or 7. The higher temps mean that the Nano will work with concentrates! I will try that later tonight