Well-Known Member
I will need to order a few stems on Monday. I don’t know if I want to try out the long stem or not? I like the flavor that I get from the standard stem. I am healing up from knee replacement surgery and needed to move the nano to the couch. Well @ataxian the wood floor is sometimes forgiving but not always. They are nice and thick and sometimes survive a fall. I forgot and accidentally pulled it off the table. The nano was fine but the stem broke on the end where the screen goes. I looked and I only have two stems left.
In my condition I might break another. Using pain killers and supplementing with some Gorilla Glue #4 right now. Not having to use as much narcotic that way. I don’t like the feeling that I get with pain pills. Watching Dr. Pole on National Geo.
That’s a great idea for an Easter Egg Hunt @pxl_jockey. Too bad we live so far away from everyone, like from all over the earth. Cannabis the flower that universally helps many different health problems.
good convalescence carol!

I prefer the long stem to the short one, bigger to grasp, easier to see the vapor, it takes longer to get dirty and it seems that the steam gets a little colder

I remember you when a strain of gorilla falls into my hands

Heloo there !
Im looking For my first deskop ! Thinking about arizer q or e -Nano...is there Big difference ? Im From europe Where i can find only arizer in stores. Do you know From Where order e-nano to get it in europe? It
Will be worth of it ? =) convince
Me Please =))
There is a big difference, I never had an Arizer Q but a Volcano that claims to be of higher quality, and the nano is more efficient, cheaper, more versatile and has better taste ... surely there are more advantages ... yout need more? I think not ..

does not exist official sale in Europe, but still worth it, the Epic team and its after-sales service is fantastic and the best

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