After a long honeymoon phase with my Mighty i am back to using my trusty old Nano, especially before bedtime. I just got some new screens from epicvape in the mail, man do they make a difference in flavor and i also added the new enano poker/pick device that has a grinder included on it, its pretty sick, it grinds it down to nice level, even if ur using pretty moist product it still grinds well.
New or clean screens FTW! Makes such a big difference but I never notice the slow dropoff as they get dirtier. I switch them out every 10 loads or so at max (couple times a week). I drop them into a little jar as I pull them, and clean them a few at a time. To clean, I drop them in some alcohol in a very small jar (I use one of those tiny jelly jars), let them sit for 20 or 30 minutes, then give the jar a good few shakes. Have left them bathing for overnight with no problems. I use EverClear (grain alcohol 95%) these days, but ISO works fine (91% much better than 70%). Don't dump this alcohol after use if you have a sealed jar. It will work for months! It gets a little brown as you use it, but works forever. I usually dump when it starts accumulating too many little pieces of roasted material and that is sticking to screens more than a good rinse will wash off - but that is months for me. If I strained those bits out, I'd probably use same batch for years.
Pull screens from alcohol jar one at a time (tweezers help), hit with a fairly dry old toothbrush and rinse thoroughly with hot water, then sit out to dry. If you get in a pinch for a clean screen (or only have a couple to work with) blow them dry as well as you can, then insert in glass and put on nano heat with no load for several good draws. Will dry them out nicely and ready to load in less than a minute!
IME these cleaned screens will work as well as new. Be careful not to bend out of shape while scrubbing with toothbrush. It can be a real bitch to work them back into shape. Eventually they will get a little loose in glass with use. When they do, use a dowel or other small cylinder to get back in shape. Just be sure you spread at the bottom of basket, rather than just at open end and they'll be fine.
Note that the more you pull out and insert, the more the edges will get a little rough and poke fingers. Guess you could trim the edges if you find this to be a big problem. I don't mind it and usually use my screens in "hat" configuration instead of "basket" (open end goes in first and sides of load hitting glass instead of sides of screen). So, I take the little frayed strands of older screens and push them all a little towards the middle. This seems to help insert them easier, and if I don't it is a frustrating mess to try to insert a screen with little pieces sticking out all over. FWIW, I think a couple of my current screens have been in the rotation for a couple years! Only throw them out when they are too bent up to fix easily with dowel.
IME moist material doesn't give best vapor. I wrap it up loosely in a piece of paper (usually brown paper bag or regular copy/printer paper), and put it on cable converter box for hour or 2. Can do the same on any warm electronics or in a sunny closed window. Makes a big difference depending on how moist it was to start.
One other tip with this that I usually don't post here.... If you can grind moist nugs, or use them unground, push your screen down a bit to give more airspace between heater and load. Then turn dial up as needed to get same heat on your load at new distance. It can be tricky to find the sweet spot, but once you do it seems to work better with material that is a bit too moist if you're in a hurry. Don't forget to go back to regular depth/dial setting after you get a little bit dried out.
Nano on!
Woke up to find my Mr. Ives still plugged in and ready for duty. Yay for no fire hazard.
A few Cigar City Jai-Alai's mixed with a few stem/gongs of stout stashes bed locked me.

Seems a shame to just unplug him while at temp. I'm gonna have to load up some Dayweed, much weaker than the Nightweed, so's not to wreck the days step progression.
Guess it's never to early to Nano. Enjoy your day all.
Ha! I always leave mine plugged in. Sometimes it's literally on for months at a time. Only time I turn it off is if I'm going to be away from it for more than 24 hours or for inside cleanup. Try to remember to turn down heat to around 4.5 when not in use - but that's probably only a little more than half the time. So far - so good!
Got a new strain recently.... Jillybean. WOW!!! Very upbeat sativa at lower heats (5.5 - 5.75 on my dial), and even at a little higher heat with only a few hits. Higher heat with more hits still more "up" (not a pre-bedtime strain), but wow on the space factor. Really loving it in nano and other vapes! Strain is good, but not hard to tell what I lucked upon is very well grown, trimmed and cured. It's many pretty colors and loaded with resin heads under the scope. Find that no matter the strain, it hits you like a truck if well done!
Sorry for many edits above! Have to remember to have coffee before posting - especially when doing a little wake & vape!

This f'n super sativa - JB - is just too tempting and upbeat to not sneak a hit of first thing. I think it actually wakes me up a bit for better coffee making, even if it does make me a bit spacey! Love those days when I'm here working by myself, rather than out on road where I often run into clients whether expected or not.