For a single vapes you can use empty gun cases which are fairly cheap on Amazon and/or eBay. If your collection gets too large you might consider a toolbox are also fairly cheap, Good Luck
Thank you for the suggestons; I realize you can use anything to carry and protect an E-Nano. What I am looking for is a case that was designed specifically for the E-Nano, or the best size Pelican case or something like this.!/Quarantine-Series-Hard-Cases/c/10831102/offset=0&sort=normal Vapecase for example make cases for lots of different vaporizers, but I did not see one for the E-Nano.
EDIT: I found this, but I don't know if it would be big enough to hold the E-Nano, wand, accessories, and power cord. I'm sure it would hold the E-Nano, Wand, and accessories; but it might not be large enough to hold the power cord too.
I got my enano yesterday, excited to try it out!
I noticed that the glass stem sits on the heater pretty loosely and has about a 10-15 degree tilt if I am not holding it. Is that normal?
No, that's not normal; one end of the wand fits better than the other if you try it. It should NOT be a tight fit, but it shouldn't tilt when you aren't holding it. It sounds like you have your wand upside down. Turn the wand around and try the other end.

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