Hey, thanks for your input
@max &
@howie105 &
@ataxian !
Honestly, it is indeed a lot more comfortable to pack the gong by feel than to weight out exactly let's say 0.1 g. But on the other hand, I have to admit that I am a little nerdy when it comes to this - I weight my doses and keep accounting and so I always have an overview of how much I consume.
So maybe it is irrelevant to know the exact amount of herb you use but what frustrates me increasingly is the fact that I fail in getting long lasting big cloud-draws with my E-Nano so far.
The results I am getting so far are pretty good, no question. It tastes really good, but sometimes I need these big big hits and I have not been able so far to get these kind of hits from my bubbler.
I've tried some different settings, but a normal session for me is like:
I pack a little amount of ground herb in the gong. I just sprinkle it over it, don't pack it. With the shorter side of the e-pick I check that the heater is not touching the top of the load.
Then I put the gong onto my bubbler, the E-Nano's temperature is about 7. I place the Nano onto the gong and wait for like 20-30s before i hit. The glass milks immediately, thick vapor is being produced, but at the point where the bubbler is completely filled (I have a D020-like bubbler) the vapor production stops.
Then i stir the load and get another (mostly) airy draw, most of the time the 2nd hit is unnecessary for me.
Looking at the ABV: I would say it looks okay. But most of the time I find green spots in it. Regularly dark brown ones as well, kind of pre-combusted particles I guess.
So, conclusion: For me, this is normal I would say

I wouldn't expect to get much more vapor from a tiny amount of herb like this. I mean, I can lower the screen and pack more. That works and I get a slightly bigger draw but I have never had a session where the 2nd hit was milking the glass more than the first.
I've seen that hundred times on video and basically that is true convection behavior. I know this, since I use several other convection vaporizers as well
First draw - flavor. 2nd draw more vapor, etc.
But unfortunately, I am not able to get a session like this.
I spend exactly the same amount of herb like before, and that frustrates me a little.
Maybe I was expecting wonders, I think I was, yes. But when i read things like "0.025 gave me 4 white walling hits" I wonder what I do wrong here

0.025 gives me exactly ONE hit- maybe a second - read above.
Sorry if this all sounds like a rant, it is definitely not meant to be !!
If I didn't read all these comments about its incredible efficiency I maybe wouldn't have been questioning anything here.
But this at least leaves me a little bit bewildered :-/