Well-Known Member
Ordered mine and it shipped today! Plus my d022 passed through ISC customs in new york, which means it'll get here at around the same time! I got a maple with an 18mm gong for the d022. So excited for it!
@throwawaytre3s you're going to love the D022 with the Enano. I love mine. IMO works better with the Enano than the D020. The D020 bubbler was made for the Solo or the AA though.
I just had a great time checking out your stuff for the first time right now, I'm supposed to be sleeping. I looked at your enano stands and thought they were very nice.Hi @SniperGuy i make some nano stands you might like and do custom work also. THEFC10 gets you 10%
I haven't seen anyone else with a d022, I'm glad to hear that it pairs great with the enano!
@nondarb you won't be out any money. Epic will send an RMA shipping label via computer. You might as well get it fixed even if you don't want it any longer. You can always sell it on the classifieds with no trouble. You will get most of your money back. Plenty would love an almost new Enano.
The Enano remains to be one of my fav vaporizers. Awesome flavor and easy to use. It's the perfect size for me.
I'm satisfied that I am NOT meant to have an E-nano. My experience has been snakebit from day one, my initial two week wait turned to a 2+ week wait. I received a faulty cord and had to wait an additional ~two weeks for a replacement and now that the units been acting right it splits cleanly above the plug when left on TWO overnight.
I ordered Dec 26 and had a (non cracked) functional unit for a total of 31 days. Yeah, I'm upset.
I've had my eNano for about a year now. I've used it a lot when I first got it. I realized I'm a "portable" guy, not really enjoying being tethered - but, and it's a big but, I've got the urge to do a table top session or two with my walnut nano this weekend. I'll let you all know how it goes....
Hoping it delivers more of a "punch in the face" than any portable I own!
hey guys i need a little help..
so i tried purchasing a nano yesterday but nmi wasn't working. I was getting an error just plainly saying "ERROR. Please contact the merchant" so I did.
but earlier today I tried buying again an my card got now declined. idk what happened but I'm 1000% sure my funds are sufficient. is there anything wrong using NMI?
i can't use paypal atm since it was locked up and under investigation because someone used it and spent some..
please help guys.. i just reloaded this week and i'm really stoke using the nano.
Last summer I got into a few weeks straight where I only used my mflb. I started to wonder why I even needed the nano anymore because the mflb was so portable and worked so damn well for me.I've had my eNano for about a year now. I've used it a lot when I first got it. I realized I'm a "portable" guy, not really enjoying being tethered - but, and it's a big but, I've got the urge to do a table top session or two with my walnut nano this weekend. I'll let you all know how it goes....
Hoping it delivers more of a "punch in the face" than any portable I own!
I've recently found the same to be true. I've mostly been vaping only on weekends when I'm at my girlfriends so my nano is off and on a lot more. When it has only just been warmed up, compared to on for a longer period, it is definitely a bit disappointing.I highly suggest keeping a clean screen. I swap mine out after after 6-10 loads, i find the extra air flow to be key.
... i keep my nano on 24/7 so its always ready to rock when i am. i found when i first got mine, when the woods warm it works like nothing else. I know they say 5 min warm up, i suggest waiting 20 min or more![]()
I've never seen signatures, how do you see them? The option is checked in my preferences to see them with posts.If you're using the 2 portables in your your sig, I think you'll be pleased at the change. Plus, flavor will be over the top!
I've never seen signatures, how do you see them?
I don't find that to be the case. I scrape the screen after every bowl with a pointed poker (7th Floor pick)-doesn't take much scraping, and then I don't have to clean the screen that often with alcohol. I think clearing/scraping the screen thoroughly after each bowl helps a lot in keeping it unclogged.Yeah the one bad thing about the screens is they clog really easy
Although the holes in the glass screen are too big for my taste (I add a ss screen on top), I do find this version a little easier to work with as far as cleaning (quicker and easier), and I never feel the need to move the screen in the standard stem. I simply adjust the heat.Makes me want to try the fixed glass stem but being able to push the screen closer to the heater as the load shrinks is almost a must.
That's correct. No sigs are seen via phone.... apparently there not visible on the mobile site (i dont browse on phone to confirm)