thoroughly vaped
I drop screen and all into ISO and then bath of PBW. I never pull screens. It has been over a year or so. My Daughter on the other hand pushes, burn, crinkles and goes though screens like nobody's business. (Andy's really) I have exhorted, explained, demonstrated and wept. She is a crunch-berry no matter what I do.
You can get away with it for a bit, but IME it is tough to get the grime on the sides between screen and glass. And, think PBW is a bit of overkill here. Then again, maybe that would clean those tough spots.
Ive tried that hot water technique and it works!
I cant really do the iso one because I always feel like there is iso residue left. Ive tried everything unlimited rinses, blow drying it, not as much iso, mixing the iso with water and.......nothing! the smell and taste is still there. So I gave up on that and thought of different methods.
The method I use is a mixture between vinegar, hot water and then real lemon juice to neutralize the smell and taste of vinegar.
Wait, theres a method to my madness. I do this for a variety of reasons, to rid of bacteria, to rid of fungus, as mentioned the water in the faucets never get THAT HOTT. I know this is not 100% but it works for me.
If its the inside of the bubbler, I use this mix with rice sometimes, they do get stuck. It does leave the inner side of the bubbler sparkling clean after that, since its similar to a scrubbing motion and causes some friction. I was thinking of using beans, something not so small. I have been looking for sometype of scrubbing beads that are non toxic, but havent really found anything.
I have also found putting some pressure on the water coming out the faucet with your finger and spray the bottom side of the basket helps fling stuff out. I look up into the light to see if all has been removed. It usually works. If seems really gunky you might want to take some mini brushes, even a toothbrush you dont use and brush it.
I don't know about this..... I have a very low tolerance for anything "chemical". Even get a bit faint with cleaning products that have a little bleach or ammonia. But, have never had any problem rinsing ISO off with hot tap water. Trust me, if I don't get it all rinsed out of a GonG or bubbler that first hit sends me into coughing fits. Vinegar doesn't seem to have the same cleaning power, nor do citrus cleaners. But hey, if it works for you I'm glad you found something!
Your guy is gonna hate how little business you give him, now.Congrats on conserving.
That's for sure. Even a bit worse for me. I used to go in with a friend or two on a larger bag and split it. Still do on rare occasion, but they were a little pissed I wasn't ready as often after I started vaping. Once I got my nano? It was the same every couple weeks... What? You're not ready yet? WTF, did you quit or what? Funny thing is, one still refuses to vape because, and get this "It ain't worth it! I can make bowls for free and rolling papers are cheap." Yeah... he's a fuckin rocket scientist! Got another friend turned on to the nano, so she gets it now. And, another good friend has a da Buddha, so him not so much.