Yes, Nadia is one of the best!I didn't have a chance to clean it because I only used it 3 times. Nadia already responded to my email and she's already sending me another one. Very fast on the response, I only emailed a half hour ago - awesome.
Do you have any issues with it passing through adjust-a-bowl screens?
Do you have to send in the old one or a picture is enough?I didn't have a chance to clean it because I only used it 3 times. Nadia already responded to my email and she's already sending me another one. Very fast on the response, I only emailed a half hour ago - awesome.
Great service and a great product
Wake and Vape time
Good afternoon everyone
Been playing with the screen depth again, i've pushed it 1'' down in my gong. I have my temp raise to 7.75 and i must say its almost perfect.
It's cool because you can see the herb in the gong (depending on your piece I suppose) and pretty much watch it extract which I like. You also get quite a few milky hits tasty hits. The only downside is that you do have to watch it after a few though, you can char it.
I love how much play this thing hasI'd love to get a custom gong made because I would like to try and push it down further but my gong wont hold the screen any further.
Playing with fire, I like it. I think with the screen lowered in a GonG and the heat turned up the E-Nano is as close as you're gonna get to a combustion-like experience. Finding the limit is fun. Be careful, if you let it sit at 7.75 for too long and then hit you might combust even though it wasn't doing it during a session. That heat build up caught me off guard. I've step over the edge a few times. What a horrible experience.
Well so much for my experiment with my glass fixed screen, only used it 3 times. Must have been faulty, I didn't drop it. It came apart at where the glass fixed screen is. A hassle sending back - too expensive. I guess I could take a pic and send it to Epicvape - I did enjoy it very much.
This isn't Epic's fault, it's just unfortunate. Good thing I always buy 2 when I buy glass. Not sure if it qualifies for another because it's glass.
I've been really happy with the adjustable basket stems they have all held up with no problems, have even dropped them a few times and with being such thick glass and the silicone end, it didn't break.
Oh yeah, I've been there already haha. What I find helps is keeping air flow going with a fan in the room your nano is in helps with the heat. I have a fan sitting in my window frame all day and if I turn that off my nano will get very warm on the outside. That's when you're really playing with fire. If its like that I'll turn it down and wont even put in on the gong all the way. It really does suck when it happens but I haven't had it combust in a few weeks now so that's really nice
Combustion will decommission a piece of mine for a few days. Doesn't taste right till it's cleaned.
nano is so damned versatile!! I play with lower depths, larger loads and higher heat, but still come back to small loads close with lower heat. IMO the taste drops off in first 2 or 3 hits no matter how many you get out of the load, and prefer that to finishing up a larger load where those 6 - 10 hits on a larger load just don't seem as tasty. Still glad to hear others are enjoying it like that and must admit it makes things easier when you have 3 or 4 people working from the same nano. Also, taste doesn't seem to suffer as much when going dry with a little lower heat - and do enjoy kicking back with a bit of a larger load through a j-hook.
Think part of the problem with combusting is the heat buildup with higher dial setting, but part of it probably that you are drying out the load with every hit. By the time you start getting to 8th, 9th, 10th or more hit it is very dry and more prone to going up in smoke. Once you do, it is definitely time for a GonG cleaning and fresh water in the bubb!
Don't really get turning the heat up and putting a fan on it, though. Seems counterproductive/counterintuitive to me. But, if it is working have at it and share all the tips you figure out. Interested to know what you come up with because run into the same issue some this time of year. Fan is on to keep ME cool - not the nano - but find I need to kick up heat about 1/2 notch or more to keep performance at same level.
Well so much for my experiment with my glass fixed screen, only used it 3 times. Must have been faulty, I didn't drop it. It came apart at where the glass fixed screen is. A hassle sending back - too expensive. I guess I could take a pic and send it to Epicvape - I did enjoy it very much.
This isn't Epic's fault, it's just unfortunate. Good thing I always buy 2 when I buy glass. Not sure if it qualifies for another because it's glass.
I've been really happy with the adjustable basket stems they have all held up with no problems, have even dropped them a few times and with being such thick glass and the silicone end, it didn't break.
It looks like it broke at the seam where the glass screen is exactly where my stem broke. Epic will make it right for you.
Went camping this weekend in our RV, we have electricity. I'm not much of a hardcore live off the land, tent camper. Brought my nano and Air along. Been using my nano mostly. I have my wifi hot spot and iPad so I could bring FC along.
Went to the Med Farmers Cannabis Market and picked up some nice strains this morning. Currently have some Blue Kush in the Nano. The Mr is sleeping, snoring away and I'm wide awake. Hopefully this will help me to relax. Did quite a bit of walking and I'm having some muscle cramping, damn arthritis.
Earlier we went to a Winery, ate and listened to some wonderful music.
Nano works the same in my RV as it does in my home with the electricity. Our little home away from home, it's 37ft, even has a washer/dryer combination.
Awesome!! When can we order? I NEED one of these!