I received my E-nano a few days ago. Beautiful little thing. Walnut is a very nice wood. Love to look at the lines, color contrasts and intricate patterns into the wood. Each nanos have their own unique patterns like fingerprints, so this one is my little baby.
I'm still trying to experiment with it and help is always welcome. I'm trying to use my e-nano in a similar way as I'm using my MFLB+PA. That is small quantities of herb (below 0.05g) and long sessions. In that sense, I'm not cloud chasing at all. Of course, I like to see a little amount of vapor. I like to be able to take a little toke here and there while doing something else which is a technique I came to perfect with the MFLB+PA. Maintaining me at a [4-7] unless I go for a larger load in between.
I'm still at the stage of trying many different things and I had my nano only for a few days. At the moment, I sandwich my very small loads between the 2 screens. The top screen on the heater side has its side trimmed down to allow for smaller load; and the "basket side" is reversed with the flat side facing the heater to allow placing the screen very close to the heater output. EDIT:I also use a larger grind than with the MFLB which is ground into powder form.
With that set-up, I start at 6, then I move it up to 7, 8.0 and finish at 8/8.5/9.7. From time to time, I mix the load by pushing my sandwiched screens in a bowl or cup, then repacking the stem (by sipping on the stem).
At the moment, I still feel a bit more comfortable with the MFLB for very small quantities and long sessions (even lower than 0.05) but my e-nano technique is getting better and better for that particular situation. I'll keep using my nano for that purpose in the next following days. The first few times were difficult as I would finish my small load much too quickly for my taste (but the high was good), that's why I decided to start using sandwiched screens instead. Maybe it's possible to do it without the second screen, I didn't make enough experiments yet. My technique is improving.
I've also tried a couples of 0.1g and a 0.2g loads and it was terrific. Nice clouds of vapors, a bit smoother than my MFLB. Very good high. At the end, my abv were light brown, an almost even color, but I then vaped them to dark brown at 8/9. I love how the nano is pure convection.