bubbha ho-tep
snamuh said:oh man.... i just destroyed my vapor genie to make a ceramic disc that they have on the 7th floor site... if those ceramic pieces fit and enano stem than you can drop your oil on top... and use it like a healthstone... (if they are actually what i think....im n a rush......)
it seemed to work good with my vapor genie mod...
ill probably buy some and try the adjustable screen, the cermic button and the ceramic flavor thing stacked... that might help reduce leakage
@bubbha ho-tep what is the diameter of the button screens? the flavor screens come in 14mm and 19mm so i think they would have to be sanded down a but t fit a stem.
Not sure the exsact diamiter but they fit in the e-nano gong very well with only a little room on the side edges.
I thought the same exact thing about those 14mm and 19mm flavor disks. They look awesome but you'd have to sand them to fit like you said. But I really like the button screens more than I thought I would.

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