I was thinking they'd be good for that.Y adapters are so so much fun!! And they also work as Solo Buddy's! Or any other vape buddy! Just buy or make a stopper for the other side!
Excited to read that. I'm super vaked off a solo\enano bowl right now. Great combo for sure!I was thinking they'd be good for that.
I have some new comparisons/impressions with the Solo that"ll share hopefully later tonight.
Yes, they compliment each other quite nicely. After several weeks of the using the E-Nano exclusively, I've finally started bring the Solo back into my routine. It's great leaving it charged and ready in the entertainment room for portable use or just when I don't feel like grabbing the Nano.Excited to read that. I'm super vaked off a solo\enano bowl right now. Great combo for sure!
Hello everyone, am still really enjoying my Nano, only run it on 5, no need to up it IMO, this thing works really well. I find that I get such a load in the stem that I cant finish it all before I have had enough! All I have for glass is my zap bubbler, I used it quite a bit with my WW and CRZ but wanna use it with my Nano, I need a 14mm Gong attachment and all I see at Andys site is 19mm.
Andy, can I get a 14mm Gong for the Nano?
They are both pictured, but you're right... can't seem to select 14mm. Hopefully some get stocked soon since I just ordered a new 14mm piece of glass
NananasThe Nano Nation?![]()
Hey Ed! Just put a little thin ring of siliconnabout3/4 of an inch from the end of your all glass stem! Then you can use the zap bubbler! I've been doing this until I make an order from Andy for some new stemsThats what I saw, sure need the smaller of the two. Bet the Nano is the shit through water!
Aye it really is incredible through water. My last video is in the Glass and Milkshots thread and it should give you some idea.Thats what I saw, sure need the smaller of the two. Bet the Nano is the shit through water!
Can anyone with a cloud compare it with the nano on efficiency? And which do you prefer?
I just dont want buyers remorse, and if you have a problem with the gong that bothers me. I plan on using it with my bong mostly, and I really like the no learning curve of the cloud and the fact ill need no adapters.In my opinion, it's really close to the Cloud. If I had better success using the GonG adapter (it's my personal issue), I think I would say it's on par. Again, this is just my opinion. However, I love the E-Nano. In fact, I just used it over my Cloud and I am super ripped. I really love the all glass stem. And the price is really great.
The E-Nano size of the bowl is around .1g or so, and the Cloud can hold around .2g or so (but works with various amounts). Therefore, in my mind, the E-Nano is pretty efficient. Two stems of the E-Nano and I'm really good. I have a feeling that I waste a lot of vapor with the Cloud cause my lungs can't absorb it all in the big hits I take with the Cloud.
I also like the ability to take the E-Nano easily outside, I recently took it on a trip and used it with a generator in the car, something that I definitely could not do with the Cloud.
Don't get me wrong, I love both vaporizers, and am happy to have both in my arsenal. The all-glass stem on the E-Nano to me is killer. I absolutely love it.
The cloud is a waaaay different beast than the e-nano. The EV2 is closer to the cloud. E-nano is for small micro loads and making them last. To use small micro loads in a cloud you have to boost the temp up to 3 o'clock or max and you get one nice full hit and a wispy one too follow. A micro load in a e-nano you could achieve 3 decently milky hits and a couple wispy ones. Basically when using any 3/8th core log vape you are stretching your stash no matter what. Cloud and ev2 are for taste and massive hits( cloud is in a different level than the EV2 tho as in the technology in the bowl and such make for way more even Vaping, but your paying double the price)
Sorry for derailing the thread but the cloud does not hit the same no matter how you pull. I have seen many people not hit it right. There is still a slight learning curve just like any vape. To achieve massive hits on the cloud you need good lung strength. It requires a lot of airlow. Way more lung strength than an e-nano where you can pull very slow and relaxed while getting monster hits if that's what you want. Cloud always needs a decent amount of air to create vaporCloud gives same vapor so matter how are you pull. So that makes it everyone friendly.
I've had no issues with my GonG. It works better for me than the glass wand.I just dont want buyers remorse, and if you have a problem with the gong that bothers me. I plan on using it with my bong mostly, and I really like the no learning curve of the cloud and the fact ill need no adapters.
Elastic band keeps the dial on the same temp?Kingofnull this is for you man!
Edit: also if you notice there is a little mod I did as soon as I got my e-nano. Can you spot it???
Ya the elastic band grips the dial on the side so it's still easy to change temps but enough resistance that I never worry about the temp changing without me knowing. I'm using the all glass stem for now until I put my order in for some more bong friendly ones from Andy. Just preferring glass over silicone right now ( ability to see the load, better roast)Elastic band keeps the dial on the same temp?
I love how you get vapor the second you start inhaling in the second video. Really clean worked beaker btw.
Question though, why the glass stem?
I'm pretty sure Andy makes a 14mm, it's just not listed on the site.Ya I think I'm gunna just get him to cut down some regular glass stems as I prefer 14mm. We will see.