Well-Known Member
HaHA! Yes, like only last year. Even though I think we all knew we were on to something, I had no idea how great this vape would be, how much I would continue to enjoy it, or how popular it would become. All great things!!
I noticed the same thing about @Caligula 's new one! That is WAYYYYYY cool. Glad you mentioned it. I keep forgetting.
Kind of pissed at him for posting the beautiful pics of it, and more pissed at Andy for being so slick with the design like that. I had my desire to pick up an exotic in check until I saw that. Now? Not so much!
Squelched my VAS on the cheap tho... getting a new-to-me portable from a fellow FC'er. Hopefully, that will tide me over for a bit.
Aren't you missing your nano, yet? The HI looks way sweet (my number's a comin!), but will probably keep my nano forever. If for no other reasons... foolproof, efficient, portable enough (just need to find a plug), and oh so effective!
I'm more pissed @ @Caligula for not posting pics of that wonderful wood in my pathetically fledgling wood thread. Does anyone need a better excuse than that to sport their wood?

I do miss my Nano. Absolutely. Would love to be able to do a true side-by-side comparison of the two, instead of having to rely on memory. Believe it or not, this Amnesiac's memory ain't what it used to be... or what it ever was, really.

I think I'd prefer a v1 though...