thoroughly vaped
After a day with my nano back home, I missed it even more than I thought!
Having only my EQ for a couple weeks made it almost like using my nano for the first time. Had picked up some nice new stuff while she was away and am just blown away by how much better the flavor is and how much less I use in the nano. Less meds, better flavor, more consistent vapeage..... the nano is the way to go! The new adjust-a-bowl gong just makes it all that much better. Still on the list and pining for an HI, but can't see the nano ever falling out of the rotation.
Having only my EQ for a couple weeks made it almost like using my nano for the first time. Had picked up some nice new stuff while she was away and am just blown away by how much better the flavor is and how much less I use in the nano. Less meds, better flavor, more consistent vapeage..... the nano is the way to go! The new adjust-a-bowl gong just makes it all that much better. Still on the list and pining for an HI, but can't see the nano ever falling out of the rotation.