The idea has been proven, convection dabs off glass frits DO work.
However, the frits you linked to are far too coarse for that purpose. If you'd (for example) grind them down to a suitable size, you would only have like 3 grains left.
Your idea works with frits that are less coarse, or if you're set on such a coarse frit (for less drag resistance) you'd need more diameter than a regular 18mm gong offers. Something like the Versa people did.
I have a selfmade gong with a frit for concentrates that I did to use with my Nano, but it restricts airflow too much for my taste. I prefer a small wad of cotton on a SS screen at the moment. No cleaning required and when the airflow gets too weak, you can pull the cotton apart and still get everything vaped out of it.
I want to get my hands on a HealthStone, modify it to fit a Nano gong, and try that. In the meantime I'm trying gold wool

... steel wool worked too, but it's not very inert, it can rust and stuff like that. So when I got my hands on some gold stock, that was one of my first thoughts. It gives nice fine flexy threads on a lathe, perfect "wool" for vapin concentrates from... still need to try it though, haven't had the heart yet, but that small bean of gold wool sure looks good in a Nano stem