
Active Member
Thats a real nice setup @StoneFog. I even saw my burly in the group pic you posted :lol:.
Thanks. :tup: It was a tough decision when George sent me the pic, they all lookd awesome. Which one is yours?

Thank you, I appreciate the help. It's 3am here now and I'm going cross eyed. I have to get some:zzz:, so I'll post it tomorrow. Thanks again :tup:

Edit: sorry for the double post.
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Enter the Dragon
Thanks. :tup: It was a tough decision when George sent me the pic, they all lookd awesome. Which one is yours?

Mine is the top one. They all looked so good I decided to let fate dictate what I would receive & have no complaints. I love all my vapes but there is something very special about the VapCap system. Could it be the ease of use, power & overall simplicity?


Well-Known Member
I was going to wait until I had access to a better camera before posting this but it seems relevant at the moment so here is my RDA mod for the vapcap.

I don't actually know how to post pictures here (I've never actually posted a picture online before) and I'm not sure if such a long post would be welcome. If it is welcome, I'd appreciate a little help pulling it over here. Either a place with good instructions or a kind moderator doing it would be very helpful.

Hope this is interesting, happy vaping!

This is the route I'm currently going, kinda. I'm trying to get a wood enclosure and basically building a series ecig mod. But I want to have the 510 recessed into the mod with just a hole in the top for the vapcap. I've got a few parts ordered but truthfully at this point it's not much more than an idea.
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Vape swap shop
Just got my Ti woody in the mail

Opened up the package - wow its small. Smaller than the average cigarette. I went for the ti woody as it looks less of a crack pipe than the OG. I wanted a plain Ti woody as with the extra long condenser and mouthpiece or other options it takes away from the simplistic lines i feel.

I wanted some spare o rings as i live in the uk and its a long way to ship. Did not realize you need both sets. George chucked in the second set for free and gave me a free silicone mouthpiece too!

As any curious man would - the first thing i did was take it to bits! Its so simple. Put it back together and did a dry run to find how the click works. The wood outer sleve is pretty thin. The test of time will tell how durable this is. However at £60 i could just buy a new one if it breaks, or go for a vong upgrade.

I have preordered the firefly 2, and am still waiting for this to come out in the UK. The woody will be my back up vaporizer. This is a replacement to my arizer air. I have already boxed up the air and put it on ebay. The woody will be my only vape for a month or so. When i saw how simple and small it was was a little concerned. Went down my local park to test it out.

I am using a double turboflame lighter. I was expecting this to be harsh vaporizer. So first attempt i 3/4 filled the bowl and was gentle with the lighter but heated till i heard the click. 1st hit, pure flavour and super tasty. Not harsh at all with the carb open. I got a couple more puffs after that before i heard the cool down click. 2nd heat cycle i did not hear a click but stopped after what i thought was too long with the lighter. Much the same as the first hit cool and tasty. I did not get visable clouds the first two heat cycles. The third heat cycle i had taken the herb a bit too far, got a cloud but blew it straight out as it was a little burnt tasting.

I am the opposite of a cloud chaser i want to get medicated with as little irritation to my lungs as possible. Would rather trade clouds for smoothness any day so i am cool with this vape. I think the hunt for "the cloud" can put people off certain vaporizers - which is missing the point. Its more about taste and getting the job done for me. I am not disappointed in this little vape at all. The hype is real and clouds are defiantly possible if you want them. The vapor was better tasting than my air and i prefer the on demand style of this vape. I will need more practice to get my technique down. I will also have to be careful using this after a few beers as you could combust if not careful and fill your lungs with ewwweee. Cant wait to try with my friends, and hope they understand the technique. Walking down the road heating this vape could be a challenge, think you need to stop and heat then carry on. Could just need more practice.

Overall impressed and it does feel like George is on to something with the simplicity of this vape.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@oddjobold as you say 'practice' once you've been using it for a while things just become second nature. You will be able to second guess the click. I pull the VC out of the flame and it clicks on the way to my lips.
If you keep heating at the disc end of the cap you will get plenty of nice smooth tasty light hits.
You can even stop heating before the click comes. This gives light and very tasty vapor.
At least now you are in the driving seat using your head to control the situation. Instead of an electronic 'head' dictating the outcome.


Got my OmniVap a few days ago, and it lives up to the hype. Tiny monster!

Ordered the Ti screens, and they came today... but I'm not having any luck getting the ceramic screen out. How are you guys taking out the ceramic screen without breaking it?
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Well-Known Member
Today is an awesome day!

I have some exciting news!

Fist off, today is my one year anniversary of taking this project public. I launched my doomed indienogo around 4:00 a year ago today. I sold 4 VapCaps the first week the campaign was live. The second week, if you look at the start date of this thread, this thread was started. Thank you @Fenton Mewley . Please let me know if I can assist you in any way.

Well, if that wasn't cool enough, today is also the date I filed some really cool patent stuff. Formalized some filings on the pyrovap, and a few other awesome things too.

like this little guy.


This is my next generation Titanium tip. It is the first one machined, and I just received it today.

It was a surprise as I didn't expect the machine shop to be able to get to these until next week, so when the call came in today, Oh Boy! I was standing next to the cnc lathe as it was parted off. I kinda felt like a new Dad. I have high hopes for this little gem. Check out the geometry on it. I call it the DHH, or Double HexaHelix, as it has 6 helical grooves wound clockwise and 6 anticlockwise. Compared to the prior generation Ti tip, this one should have 4 times the convection capability. With these extra grooves (intersecting ones at that) there is not only additional airflow, but additional surface area to heat the displacement airflow as well as an intentionally turbulent flow path to ensure maximum heat exchange. This is the closest to ideal "ConVapTion yet. That is the perfect mixture of convection, conduction and a VapCap in the middle bringing the whole complex simplicity together.

And now, for your visual enjoyment is the first CCD. That is Circumferential Compression Diffuser. These little beauties have been in development for sometime, and are now finally ready for the initial release. They are very easy to insert. Just push them in from the mouthpiece side and they will click right into the groove.
Easy to insert and easy to remove, easy to clean.


So, last thing. I still plan on increasing the pricing on a few items in about a week. I want to make sure all FC members know ahead of time.




Enter the Dragon
That new Ti tip looks awesome George :o. I will be waiting for the new tip to be available before I order another Ti but wow happy 1st birthday. The other day I had 1/2 a full load & decided to vape it anyway rather than grind up more. Three very fat hits & it was pretty much all convection. If anything it seemed more efficient than usual & had better flavour with even extraction so the super six will be even better.

What I love about the @VapCap system is it is truly modular & continuously evolving & improving on the original design. Remaining true to the mission of form & function with effortless simplicity being limited only by imagination.


Well-Known Member
Happy Anniversary :rockon:
Wow! That new ti tip looks beautiful.
Any idea on when these will be available? Just bought a TI woody but will defiantly pick one up when it becomes available.
What is the purpose of the CCD?
Thanks and keep it up :)

I'm not sure if the CCD is meant to replace the ceramic screen since George states that it fits into the groove or if it's in addition to the ceramic screen.


Man is a universe within himself
Wow, this new ti tip is amazingly beautiful!

I made my order for an omnivap, and by the time I receive it, you're making it better?!

Is this a dream come true? ;)

Thank you George!


Well-Known Member
Got my OmniVap a few days ago, and it lives up to the hype. Tiny monster!

Ordered the Ti screens, and they came today... but I'm not having any luck getting the ceramic screen out. How are you guys taking out the ceramic screen without breaking it?
I just pushed one out of a relatively new end with a chopstick while it was cold. If it sticks, I use a little heat first. I back my Ti screens with a fine stainless mesh to keep even finer particles out.
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Author, Teaming Series of Organic Grow Books
Again, I suggest folks try using the hemp fiber that George sells instead of a screen. Wow, after a couple of days of use, put that in the vape! Whewie! In fact, I never grind, but just use little peas in my units. You don't need any screening at all! This makes it ultra easy to ream out with a good pipe cleaner---or hemp fiber more often. What a unit.

Is there anyone here who started with a glassy and is still using it as their prime unit?




Well-Known Member
Again, I suggest folks try using the hemp fiber that George sells instead of a screen. Wow, after a couple of days of use, put that in the vape! Whewie! In fact, I never grind, but just use little peas in my units. You don't need any screening at all! This makes it ultra easy to ream out with a good pipe cleaner---or hemp fiber more often. What a unit.

Is there anyone here who started with a glassy and is still using it as their prime unit?


Sorry for the dumb question just got a vapcap... How do you use the hemp fiber?
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Rhymenocerous ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Sorry for the dumb question just got a vapcap... How do you use the hemp fiber?
I was wrapping concentrate in it and then putting it in, other people on the thread seem to put it in first and then put concentrate on top. I'm not sure if one way is better than the other.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys - I may have screwed the pooch here with my VapCap.

I bought an OG just to see if I liked the whole concept, and if so, then I would get a Ti or Omni. Well, I LOVED IT. Perfectly fit my use case and the 1st draw was heavenly tasting, the 2nd was the vapor money shot, and the 3rd was just clean up. I loved this thing.

Well, last night the cap quit working. I know we are supposed to keep the flame toward the front and not heat the back end directly but I have one of George's four flame torch lighters and its a wide swath. I may have killed my cap.

Symptoms are that yes, it will click....but very softly (much softer than before) and way too late. Herb is toasted all to hell by the time it clicks. Same on cool down click. This a definite change in behavior from when I first got it about a week ago.

Looking at the cap, I may have hit just the edge of part of the back end. Would this be enough to kill it? The pic below is not the best focus, but you can see on the lower part of the back end a crescent of the case color type discoloration from heating. Its just a bit but maybe??

This is a side view of my cap...all normal as far as I can tell

I did write to George and explained that if I hosed it up, well...bad on me and I will order another but they are $20 a piece...not a good price if these things are consumable eventually like a Li battery.

What is your view and experience. Did the little overrun on the back end hose it, you think? Do these caps hold up or do they all go belly up and need to be viewed as a consumable item?

I really want this to work out as I would love a Ti, but I'm a bit shy now. Not cause of the whopping $30 but because I thought I had this thing figured out and then kaboom...cap dies on me.

Thanks for your replies in advance.



Well-Known Member
Hi guys - I may have screwed the pooch here with my VapCap.

I bought an OG just to see if I liked the whole concept, and if so, then I would get a Ti or Omni. Well, I LOVED IT. Perfectly fit my use case and the 1st draw was heavenly tasting, the 2nd was the vapor money shot, and the 3rd was just clean up. I loved this thing.

Well, last night the cap quit working. I know we are supposed to keep the flame toward the front and not heat the back end directly but I have one of George's four flame torch lighters and its a wide swath. I may have killed my cap.

Symptoms are that yes, it will click....but very softly (much softer than before) and way too late. Herb is toasted all to hell by the time it clicks. Same on cool down click. This a definite change in behavior from when I first got it about a week ago.

Looking at the cap, I may have hit just the edge of part of the back end. Would this be enough to kill it? The pic below is not the best focus, but you can see on the lower part of the back end a crescent of the case color type discoloration from heating. Its just a bit but maybe??

This is a side view of my cap...all normal as far as I can tell

I did write to George and explained that if I hosed it up, well...bad on me and I will order another but they are $20 a piece...not a good price if these things are consumable eventually like a Li battery.

What is your view and experience. Did the little overrun on the back end hose it, you think? Do these caps hold up or do they all go belly up and need to be viewed as a consumable item?

I really want this to work out as I would love a Ti, but I'm a bit shy now. Not cause of the whopping $30 but because I thought I had this thing figured out and then kaboom...cap dies on me.

Thanks for your replies in advance.


In my experience the overheating warnings seem to come from an abundance of caution rather than it being super fragile. I've have on multiple occasions been very medicated and heated again before the cool down click. Combustion every time and always super worried that it is gonna be damaged, but never had a change in performance. I've been using my woodies as my daily driver for almost 2 months with no issues. Sorry I can't be of assistance just wanted to say that the cap is a fairly tough little guy. Don't let this turn you off, the vapcap is truly worthy of the hype.
Side note- does anyone know for sure which of ratchett's silicone adapters fits the woodie?


Rhymenocerous ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
In my experience the overheating warnings seem to come from an abundance of caution rather than it being super fragile. I've have on multiple occasions been very medicated and heated again before the cool down click. Combustion every time and always super worried that it is gonna be damaged, but never had a change in performance. I've been using my woodies as my daily driver for almost 2 months with no issues. Sorry I can't be of assistance just wanted to say that the cap is a fairly tough little guy. Don't let this turn you off, the vapcap is truly worthy of the hype.
Side note- does anyone know for sure which of ratchett's silicone adapters fits the woodie?
The medium song for me fit's perfectly, love this little multi-tasker.


Well-Known Member
In my experience the overheating warnings seem to come from an abundance of caution rather than it being super fragile. I've have on multiple occasions been very medicated and heated again before the cool down click. Combustion every time and always super worried that it is gonna be damaged, but never had a change in performance. I've been using my woodies as my daily driver for almost 2 months with no issues. Sorry I can't be of assistance just wanted to say that the cap is a fairly tough little guy. Don't let this turn you off, the vapcap is truly worthy of the hype.
Side note- does anyone know for sure which of ratchett's silicone adapters fits the woodie?
Thanks but I ran it again tonight and by the time I hear the click, the herb tastes and looks like burnt toast. Let's see is George responds to my email (well, I'm sure he will but I'm sure he's busy too). I'm not at all put out about this....just want to know the lay of the land.

Thanks for the reply.

little maggie

Well-Known Member
Thanks but I ran it again tonight and by the time I hear the click, the herb tastes and looks like burnt toast. Let's see is George responds to my email (well, I'm sure he will but I'm sure he's busy too). I'm not at all put out about this....just want to know the lay of the land.

Thanks for the reply.
On my omni I don't hear the first click- I do on my woody so it's clear that the omni is acting different. Still, I've ended up counting on the omni until I think it should be ready and that works most of the time. I was mainly using my woody because of the ease of just waiting for the click. But I'm using the omni more now that I have a sense of when it's ready.
As for the original glass- I ended up destroying 2 of them waiting for the click with major combustion. I ordered replacement pieces when i bought my woody but really haven't used them. The woody and omni seem indestructible so if you are going to try again I'd buy one of those.
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