
Well-Known Member
If you are very careful and quick you can heat vapcap until the cap clicks then quickly pull off the cap cover the carb and inhale.

Yea I have done this and it works, but far too hot to be a regular thing. Also my cap is so deformed from squishing it, it's not a slick on and off that's for sure! I think some of the magnet tricks here could help, I really just want the vapcap to be like a little bowl vaponic, with an audible cap.
Anyone have any theory's on how some grooves in the TI or glass under the cap to the bowl would work for draw restriction?

Video with no tube, tiny load and silicone covering the carb. Draw is less restrictive than with the tube and carb covered which I could never do for a full draw, but still too much for errryday use, but check it out pretty nice it can still have a good milky go without the tube. Can side silicone, but I'm yet to find a spot that will allow air through, and not completely diminish the milk... Will keep looking.
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Well-Known Member
Mmm didn't check the load because haven't combusted one since the first day and didn't notice any smoke taste. I'll review it a few more times, or see if I can replicate it later if it's smoke I'll remove it.
I normally heat for that long till the first click, then pull the flame back a bit and put it right up the top for the main click, haven't noticed any burnt abv but I should have checked on film.
I think by heating lower it takes much more torch to click the cap which I assume goes from the temperature at the tip, but the flame is further from the bowl so not the same as blasting the tip for 10 seconds. I find if I'm not rotating quickly, the cap glows.
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Well-Known Member
That would have been an excellent video, except for the news. It's hard enough to hear the clicks as it is.
At least turn it down. Thanks anyway. Doc


Well-Known Member
Question about airflow for someone who owns both the OV and OG VC:

For purposes of comparison - does the OV at it's most open feel like an OG with it's condenser tube removed? Or is it a more open or less open of a draw?

Alternatively, how does the OV airflow (at it's most closed state) compare to an OG with it's condenser tube in place?

I've heard it compared to the Solo on the tighter end and a Lily or Mighty on the looser end. Does that sound accurate?
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Well-Known Member
Talk about about extreme redesign of the basic operation of VapCaps scares me.

It seems to me that George must have done a fair amount of research and testing to come up with his current product line, and they work wonderfully. I'd hate to see him release what may be unpopular designs, function-wise, and possibly harm the reputation of his entire product line.

With all due respect, I mean, really, 5 holes? That sounds clumsy and unnecessary to me. Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and find that I was wrong, but I doubt it.


Active Member
Received my Omni yesterday morning which was perfect as it was my day off. I was going to try and make a post yesterday but forgot as I played with the Omni most of the day. This is in my opinion is large step up from the OG, the adjustable airflow removes the need for me to have to treat the air intake like a carb which is nice. Haven't used a titanium tip till now but it is more efficient than the OG I feel because of the metal bowl retaining the heat. Anyway just a few thoughts I had and figured I would throw in to the conversation. Just had a few bowls I ran through it again with a small screen I tossed in the bowl to have smaller loads and it gets me to a nice buzz for functioning through the day

Question about airflow for someone who owns both the OV and OG VC:

For purposes of comparison - does the OV at it's most open feel like an OG with it's condenser tube removed? Or is it a more open or less open of a draw?

Alternatively, how does the OV airflow (at it's most closed state) compare to an OG with it's condenser tube in place?

I've heard it compared to the Solo on the tighter end and a Lily or Mighty on the looser end. Does that sound accurate?

The OV wide open is slightly more of an open draw than the OG with the condenser tube removed. And with the OV I find I can have about two closed states. One where I twist the mouthpiece as closed shut as I can but it won't close it completely so I can take the mouthpiece off and completely close off the air intake so on the first situation without manipulation it is a tighter draw than the OG with the tube in and of course completely covering that hole will make it an even tighter draw.
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natural farmer

Well-Known Member
Talk about about extreme redesign of the basic operation of VapCaps scares me.

It seems to me that George must have done a fair amount of research and testing to come up with his current product line, and they work wonderfully. I'd hate to see him release what may be unpopular designs, function-wise, and possibly harm the reputation of his entire product line.

With all due respect, I mean, really, 5 holes? That sounds clumsy and unnecessary to me. Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and find that I was wrong, but I doubt it.

Well, they might work wonderfully but they can indeed work much better and a few of us already enjoy the Vapcap only with a closed carb and all the airflow going through the cap and the results exceed the suggested usage by a magnitude! The amount of vapor, taste and control over the extraction is night and day, really!

The OV wide open is slightly more of an open draw than the OG with the condenser tube removed. And with the OV I find I can have about two closed states. One where I twist the mouthpiece as closed shut as I can but it won't close it completely so I can take the mouthpiece off and completely close off the air intake so on the first situation without manipulation it is a tighter draw than the OG with the tube in and of course completely covering that hole will make it an even tighter draw.

Does the OV with a closed carb (I guess if it's closed it doesn't matter how far you twist the mouthpiece, right?) have more airflow than an OG with a closed carb? I didn't quite get that... Sorry
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Active Member
Talk about about extreme redesign of the basic operation of VapCaps scares me.

It seems to me that George must have done a fair amount of research and testing to come up with his current product line, and they work wonderfully. I'd hate to see him release what may be unpopular designs, function-wise, and possibly harm the reputation of his entire product line.

With all due respect, I mean, really, 5 holes? That sounds clumsy and unnecessary to me. Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and find that I was wrong, but I doubt it.

Just wondering what are these changes you are referring to? And these five wholes, my interest is on the rise.


Trees and Food / Nature is my Medicina...
Anyone tried different sorts of lighters or heating options?
For instance like this:
Or like this:

I'd really love to have a desktop like option that is simple and safer than flame + butane, cheaper in the long run too.
I saw someone using a mod vape with a coil he set the cap in, it looked awkward to me.

A weighted wood unit, that could be plugged in and turned on/off to heat, a small magnet, to heat the loaded capped Vap unit, atop, which could sit on the desk; would be the ultimate..!
Could be battery and/or rechargeable, yet use-able while plugged in too, a whole new additional item.

*Edit -> Don't mean to sound anti-butane and/or pro batteries. I wonder about caveman no flame options too, like rubbing the cap against a tire or something until it clicks - not really though...
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natural farmer

Well-Known Member
Can one of you VapCap owners who use oils in the Vapcap explain how you do it? I've never used oils so bear with me on lack of terminology that goes with dabbing, I have questions since I might get some oil and I own a VC.

I heard of cotton and hemp fiber mentioned,ss mesh, what do I do with it though?
Hey Dog! What I do lately is pick up a q-tip, swipe the amount of oil I want and with a toothpick or other pointy tool remove the old cotton from the q-tip without touching the oil. Then I wrap the tail of the cotton that is left while removing it around the oily part and stick it in the bowl! I use the same procedure usually to clean the Vapcap as well while it's warm! Super efficient! Nothing goes to waste! :p

I think the carb and condenser tube is what makes the happy medium, obviously I'd prefer a more open draw and air only coming through the bowl, but seems it's not possible at the moment.
But it is possible! :D The only reason I don't remove the condenser form my OG is that the body gets much hotter, the condenser acts like an insulator mostly than an airflow adjuster.
And Tommy, I have much better hits by pointing the flame towards the tip while heating and not my fingers, the load seems to heat more evenly. Also, try, if you want, with the silicone around the carb, and hit the Vapcap dry but instead of trying to pull the ball through the straw with your lungs, pull with the mouth, like with a thick milkshake. The draw will seem much less restricted as well. One draw is about 4-6 mouthpulls for me. If the airflow is not open enough even with mouthpulls then a little sandpaper is needed to grind the end of the glass (like George @VapCap does with the newer OG's) and thin out the glass a little. I opened the airflow on two OG vapcaps so far and it made a great difference!
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Zangano Cruel

IG zan.cru (code) zancru (5% NV checkout discount)
Anyone tried different sorts of lighters or heating options?
For instance like this:
Or like this:

I'd really love to have a desktop like option that is simple and safer than flame + butane, cheaper in the long run too.
I saw someone using a mod vape with a coil he set the cap in, it looked awkward to me.

A weighted wood unit, that could be plugged in and turned on/off to heat, a small magnet, to heat the loaded capped Vap unit, atop, which could sit on the desk; would be the ultimate..!
Could be battery and/or rechargeable, yet use-able while plugged in too, a whole new additional item.

*Edit -> Don't mean to sound anti-butane and/or pro batteries. I wonder about caveman no flame options too, like rubbing the cap against a tire or something until it clicks - not really though...
What do you think about this??
Can't go cheaper than that for a trial, right?

Now that I read the description again , it's 1000W, don't know how "economical" would be
Zangano Cruel,


Well-Known Member
What do you think about this??
Can't go cheaper than that for a trial, right?

Now that I read the description again , it's 1000W, don't know how "economical" would be

Just needs some sort of pan or station to lay on top of it that fits the vapcap tip.

@S0L0m0n I looked up those lighters - would be interesting to see the usb coil one in use...I saw one that has a safety shut off after 13 seconds, which would be a problem for the VC. The second tesla style one makes a high pitch squeal that one guy in the comments says "sounds like a fly trying to kick heroin." lol.
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natural farmer

Well-Known Member
Anyone tried different sorts of lighters or heating options?
For instance like this:
Or like this:

I'd really love to have a desktop like option that is simple and safer than flame + butane, cheaper in the long run too.
I saw someone using a mod vape with a coil he set the cap in, it looked awkward to me.

A weighted wood unit, that could be plugged in and turned on/off to heat, a small magnet, to heat the loaded capped Vap unit, atop, which could sit on the desk; would be the ultimate..!
Could be battery and/or rechargeable, yet use-able while plugged in too, a whole new additional item.

*Edit -> Don't mean to sound anti-butane and/or pro batteries. I wonder about caveman no flame options too, like rubbing the cap against a tire or something until it clicks - not really though...
I like to see other people think of this as well, it might drive the necessary demand for production.
I have been thinking about this for a few days now! I was also drawing a few designs the other day hoping to send them to George...
I dream of a Dynastash like design but instead of the stash hole a small battery and heater coil would nest in there! It could be fissible, couldn't it George @VapCap ?
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Well-Known Member
Hey Dog! What I do lately is pick up a q-tip, swipe the amount of oil I want and with a toothpick or other pointy tool remove the old cotton from the q-tip without touching the oil. Then I wrap the tail of the cotton that is left while removing it around the oily part and stick it in the bowl! I use the same procedure usually to clean the Vapcap as well while it's warm! Super efficient! Nothing goes to waste! :p

But it is possible! :D The only reason I don't remove the condenser form my OG is that the body gets much hotter, the condenser acts like an insulator mostly than an airflow adjuster.
And Tommy, I have much better hits by pointing the flame towards the tip while heating and not my fingers, the load seems to heat more evenly. Also, try, if you want, with the silicone around the carb, and hit the Vapcap dry but instead of trying to pull the ball through the straw with your lungs, pull with the mouth, like with a thick milkshake. The draw will seem much less restricted as well. One draw is about 4-6 mouthpulls for me. If the airflow is not open enough even with mouthpulls then a little sandpaper is needed to grind the end of the glass (like George @VapCap does with the newer OG's) and thin out the glass a little. I opened the airflow on two OG vapcaps so far and it made a great difference!

Howdy, mouth pulls are not my scene at all, gave them a go and ts pretty cool dry like hitting a cigar, but not my every day type of thing... The sand paper I will try for sure!! Cheers.
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Well-Known Member
Just wondering what are these changes you are referring to? And these five wholes, my interest is on the rise.

Sorry, @bhawkins94, I should have included a quote. I was referring to the post below from @Tommy10. I've underlined the relevant sentence.

I think the carb and condenser tube is what makes the happy medium, obviously I'd prefer a more open draw and air only coming through the bowl, but seems it's not possible at the moment. With the condenser tube obviously the draw path starts up near the bowl and the carb is far back. Without the tube the carb is not far from where your draw starts and hogs the bowl of the air flow.
I've tried a bit of silicone around the body to part cover the carb, but it seems half covering the carb doesn't half the air flow (probably because the area around the hole is risen above the body) you can affect the airflow by moving it over 90% of the carb but it's finicky. Interested to try a wood/ti myself, I think the 5 smaller carb holes that you can cover some all or none on the wooden body sounds good. I still see that as the biggest issue with this vape, sucking an orange through a hose with covered carb, vs unwanted fresh air with open carb. Once that's cracked, this system will be unreal.

Also hear what you're saying on the OV, looks awesome but I can't justify it if it's still a tight draw with the carb closed. I'd much prefer to just get a wood/ti which will seemingly last a life time and wait until there is a carbless model with an open draw. Anyone know how hard it would be for a complete amateur to attempt to etch some air tunnels into the glass body? Similar to the PV solo stems? Not too bothered if I break it, and I have two to try, but manipulating the cap hasn't offered much decrease in draw resistance so desperate to give something a go.


Damn you, party liquor
My woodie has one hole (actually the one attached to me does too, now that I think about it, but I digress) and I've never seen a wood stem vapcap with more than the one carb hole.

natural farmer

Well-Known Member
Howdy, mouth pulls are not my scene at all, gave them a go and ts pretty cool dry like hitting a cigar, but not my every day type of thing... The sand paper I will try for sure!! Cheers.

I can understand this. First time with the Vapcap I was bummed to have to do mouthpulls as well, reminded me of the PAX which I hated. But you can get much bigger hits, especially the high temp ones, without the throat hit you get from the normal lungpulls. Well, I gave mouthpulls a second chance myself with the second vapcap and I have found my holy vaping grail so far, I can say that!
Steady draws with the carb closed (through the cap) also drive up the temps too much I have observed... Bad taste... A lot of charing. Mouthpulls do something strange to the extraction procedure with the gaps between pulls and the draw comes out perfect.
It just needs some practise at first (a couple of days?) and soon it becomes as natural as breathing. I am hooked to the mouthpulls! This doesn't sound odd, does it? :lol:

Good luck bro!

Smelly Dog

Well-Known Member
Hey Dog! What I do lately is pick up a q-tip, swipe the amount of oil I want and with a toothpick or other pointy tool remove the old cotton from the q-tip without touching the oil. Then I wrap the tail of the cotton that is left while removing it around the oily part and stick it in the bowl! I use the same procedure usually to clean the Vapcap as well while it's warm! Super efficient! Nothing goes to waste! :p

But it is possible! :D The only reason I don't remove the condenser form my OG is that the body gets much hotter, the condenser acts like an insulator mostly than an airflow adjuster.
And Tommy, I have much better hits by pointing the flame towards the tip while heating and not my fingers, the load seems to heat more evenly. Also, try, if you want, with the silicone around the carb, and hit the Vapcap dry but instead of trying to pull the ball through the straw with your lungs, pull with the mouth, like with a thick milkshake. The draw will seem much less restricted as well. One draw is about 4-6 mouthpulls for me. If the airflow is not open enough even with mouthpulls then a little sandpaper is needed to grind the end of the glass (like George @VapCap does with the newer OG's) and thin out the glass a little. I opened the airflow on two OG vapcaps so far and it made a great difference!

Thanks for the cotton q-tip tip! :)
Smelly Dog,


Well-Known Member
Just got my VapCap, but only have a bic lighter. Will the SS cap be ruined / charred black or is it easy to wipe off clean?

Smelly Dog

Well-Known Member
I tried vaping a q-tip in my Burly about a week ago. Nasty as hell! The packaging was already tossed, so I don't know what the "cotton" consisted of. Lesson learned: Check the packaging before attempting to vape!

The only saving grace was that I was "mouth-puffing", so I didn't inhale.

I'll check my Qtipp box when I get home, IIRC, they were the Johnson & Johnson brand from Costco, i think my ears will be super clean throughout the zombie apocalypse with all the Qtipps I now own from Costco, lol!
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Smelly Dog,
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