I covered the carb the whole time in every day use; gotta try the whole spectrum of ways to use it, so for about a week I didn't use the carb, in order to encourage experimentation. I think the main reason that people feather the carb is that hitting a fully packed bowl with the carb closed is like trying to suck a golf ball through a garden hose. When I used the VC in a water tool, I had a much esker time using the carb the whole time; I also found that when going native, the easiest way to hit while carbed was to keep the draw slow and steady, and not get frustrated with the feeling that I was getting so little air passage. Once I exhaled, it was always plenty of vapor, far more than it felt like I was getting.Am I the only one that covers the carb until the end of the hit?
@paytonpenn are you saying you use yours without the condenser tube, and no carbing?