Sooooo…. The beauties have finally reached Greece!!!

Not Crete though, where I happen to be right now, but my friend's house in Athens… But, that's better I guess as I don't have anything to try them with and he probably does!
I will be joining him in less than a week and they will be thoroughly tested for sure, both the VapCap and the PyroVap! I hope the PyroVap works as well with VG as with PG/VG mixes cause I think I prefer the sweet VG without nicotine juice…
My friend had his first go and tried it with an Honest single flame torch from the Lotus and his first go ended in a charred load as he focused the flame to the end of the cap without turning the VapCap at all!

Didn't even read the f***ing manual!

Anyway, I guess an ISO wash will do the trick alright and I am waiting for him for a Skype/VapCap session later today! Will report back asap!!!
Welcome home VapCap!!!

Thanks so much George
@VapCap for the early and fast shipping!!

Something tells me you are gonna see a lot of orders coming from Greece soon!