When torches run out unusually fast, sometimes it’s because there are other gasses you need to release.
Neit seems empty, try pressing a tiny screwdriver or something into the little hole where you fill the torch. Hold it there (or press multiple times) until you don’t hear anything else coming out. I prefer to do it outside or in a well ventilated area because I don’t know exactly what’s coming out.
If you get very little gas out that way it probably won’t make much difference, but if you have to hold it for a while that may give you some extra cycles after you refill it.
Also, keeping the flame size to a minimum helps. If it won’t light it’s too low, but just above there is where I set it.
I use induction heaters almost every time now and I never kept track of how long each refill of a torch lasted so I can’t say how many you should be getting, but I know there are torches with higher capacity tanks out there.