Easy man. So you just gave me a thought. I mean we all know that caps vary, from stock. (Slow and fast clickers, and some other varuable traits like trebly extended times between heat up and cool down click).It is my understanding that too much heat, or going too far past the click can damage the clicking disks and diminish the caps functionality. Concentrates can contribute to that as some require more heat for their best use. How much is too much heat is hard to say. I definitely discourage using anything hotter than a butane torch (like propane) to heat the cap.
I have heard complaints that the Ti CCDs may shrink a little if cleaned by holding them in a torch flame. That may be an issue you those that use the scoring inside the tip to reduce the bowl size on Ti tips. I clean them with ISO so haven't noticed that problem.
I have a couple caps that don't seem to work as well as they did, which may be due to too much heat over time. The main problem I have with caps is related to the crimp (that holds the clicking disks) expanding a little allowing the edge of the tip to slip past the crimp making the cap harder to remove, discouraging the magnet removal method I prefer on a hot cap.
I have wondered if using them in an IH that activates by pressure might contribute to this issue.
So in relation to what you are saying here I'm just wondering if you could prolong the longevity of your caps by not heating near the tip?
Recently I have moved from my treble cyclone torch to a single flame where I'm actually getting more consistent bigger hit which are still smooth and nice by generally heating in the middle only and rotating around constantly.
Although I would rather have the XL omnivap for this purpose because it would make controlling that rotation Spitfire lol so much easier.
But maybe that is the case and if you can avoid actually directly heating the tip of the cap where the clicker is you could preserve its function for a longer period of time what do you think anyone?
Hope you are good anway @cybrguy enjoy the rest of your Saturday night and weekend still plenty of the evening left for you guys which is a nice feeling I'm a major night owl over here and just knowing you guys are still out there a live and Kicking is a big help to me mentally and psychologically.
I have been microdosing LSD and drinking kava all day with cannabis edibles, so typically high over here but in a consistently clean manner always.
Big shout to all you Vapcappers. Still nowhere on this entire forum do I feel more free and at ease to post whatever comes to me in any particular thread on FC. I have just about got an over an incredibly severe winter viral infection which felt life-threatening at times with additional pneumonia which is typical for me but it's an absolute joy to get get 80% plus relief at last after many weeks of torturous suffering.
Getting a bit of life back if such a wonderful feeling. Taking less for granted now for sure is always a prime and unrecognised benefit of these nasty winter experiences.
Wishing you all a wicked weekend and restful Sunday.

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