
Buy MOBIOUS then?
I’m poor?
I only have 20 water pipes left?
25 broke on my patio?
Just trying to help!

Ataxian, dude - your wife worries about flame - me, I'm phobic about broken glass poolside. Love that you buy your glass in bulk. This just keeps getting better. Keep catching those waves :rockon::bowdown::love::peace::leaf:[/QUOTE]
My wife is firing 4-sure
"M" loaded with GDP = CIVILIZATION


VAPEnsiero... sull'ali dorate...
The first vapcap shot produces a very tasty, fragrant steam, really at the top!
The second I can barely do it because I'm usually busy coughing ...
When I recover, the third doesn't have a very good taste, it already tastes like toasted.
The fourth is small thing.

After a few minutes, however, the warm sensation of the high comes and you realize that you have been bitten by the beneficial tooth of Wise Dynaviper....:D


Professional Stoner
Just a quick review since i got a few items on 420 sale, and they arrived today.

Dynacoil: I have read that several people saying that it does not work well with hash, well just tried and it just keeps giving and giving clouds and it got me high AF.
The type i had and used is dark color hash and its very soft, two small balls on each side of the coil and puffed away :)

I bought the M and with Ti tip and dynacoil mainly for hash use, and so far not disappointed.

2019 M: What a beauty and i love the carbhole, so pleasent to hold the finger over, great improvement!

Serpent lighter: Bigger then i expected and perfect for home use, would prob not take this out and about :)
But great tank size and grip.
Last edited:


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
GAS, GrAS or GlAS; nobody rides for free.

As long as you're making tools with the convenient/comfortable wood handle, you should look into making one that is a thin-hollow tube for setting the x-ring in your non-Omni Dynavap vaporizers, for those that want to move the ring down further to partially, or fully, close off the airflow from the carb-hole.

Monk Debate

The monks do be debatin’
As long as you're making tools with the convenient/comfortable wood handle, you should look into making one that is a thin-hollow tube for setting the x-ring in your non-Omni Dynavap vaporizers, for those that want to move the ring down further to partially, or fully, close off the airflow from the carb-hole.

I would absolutely buy something like that!

Today I got in an XL condenser and titanium mouthpiece. I had already replaced the tip on my 2019 M with a titanium one, so now it’s all titanium except for the stem. It feels so nice in the hand, well balanced and a delight to spin, quick and stable. It also lets you feather the carb more easily because you turn the body but the mouthpiece stays in place.

I also got my replacement M tip. I didn’t try drawing through it yet but the visual difference alone is obvious.


As long as you're making tools with the convenient/comfortable wood handle, you should look into making one that is a thin-hollow tube for setting the x-ring in your non-Omni Dynavap vaporizers, for those that want to move the ring down further to partially, or fully, close off the airflow from the carb-hole.
The trouble I see with this are that the tolerances for such a tool would have to be tighter than Dynavap’s tolerances for condensers currently are. I have some condensers that I can’t fit a titanium spinning mouthpiece over, while others the same mouthpiece works with ease. For a hollow tube to set an x-ring, it would have to be tight enough to be sure the x-ring didn’t try to slip under it.


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
As long as you're making tools with the convenient/comfortable wood handle, you should look into making one that is a thin-hollow tube for setting the x-ring in your non-Omni Dynavap vaporizers, for those that want to move the ring down further to partially, or fully, close off the airflow from the carb-hole.

I am hoping to make more types of inside tools

The next one up is a x ring remover you know, you push your condenser out ,but an xring has failed to remain in its grooves and is stuck inside the stem. I have 7mm 6061 aluminum bar which can be cut to length and a hice little handle on the end

regarding your idea of a x ring mover to close off the carb....doesnt that involve moving the ribg down the stem toward the tip? As that means pushing from the mouthpiec end and there is an xring in the way, youd need to take the condensor out, or at least remove the the mouthpiece xring to get to the ibterior x ring.......what you are looking for is an x ring puller...inserted from the tip end and pulling the inside x ring towards you. Even if that were possible, youd need to remove the condensor to reset it anyway
I do have some stems about finished that have a default closed carbhole. I have moved the carb up towards the mouth end...when the xring is in its groove, the carb is closed. An x ring pusher would work in this design, as you could open the carb by pushing the tool from the tip end. is amater of ibdibg a hollow tube with the tolarances needed, as dab8 mentioned...would need an ID greater than 5mm and an OD of less than 7mm I did a quick ebay search...china supplier may have something but its 22$?a foot snd tolarances are .5 mm so its a turkey shoot as to whether youd get a tube the right size

If there is interest in my x ring remover Inside Tool, let me know


Well-Known Member
I wish I'd seen that video before I vaped this evening :D
I've played it 5,maybe six times now - keep getting distracted every time he says "vortex".... I start thinking about the space/time vortex you get suckled into in science fiction...:lmao:(Critical Purple)


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
I wish I'd seen that video before I vaped this evening :D
I've played it 5,maybe six times now - keep getting distracted every time he says "vortex".... I start thinking about the space/time vortex you get suckled into in science fiction...:lmao:(Critical Purple)
watch out for the event horizon! Talk about getting sucked in!
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