Since 2 days now I have reduced the bowl size of my omni to the smalest setting and I was very suprised how this little material in the chamber get my do a nice level so now I vape 2-3 small chambers instead of 2 full bowls and have the same effect

why I did not do that earlier, that would have save me a lot material.
Short cap question I have in use now a 6 month old cap and since a little time I have noticed a much more time delay between the two cooldown clicks (12 seconds).
This is now the second cap which shows this behavior, on the first cap with this problem it was still more delay time between the cooldown clicks. Have the cap cleaned well but no improvement.
Has anyone also this noticed after longer use of the same cap?
So far no problem the cap itself works well but the long waiting time to the second cooldown click is a little bit annoying.