Someone with an OG Ti Omni want to swap/sell, need to get one to Woodvillian before then.
Yes. Please. Full OG omni, or just the body/ stem, or just the 7 fin Ti tip... sell, trade... either way please let me know!
VC story.... So I went and picked up a pizza last night... I live in the woods, no delivery, hell no landline or cable either lol, anyways...
I get to the drive through to pick up my order and the guy says they are running behind, please give him 10 minutes... he says I can stay parked at the pickup window as long as no other vehicles pull up...
No worries, that gives me plenty of time for a bowl or 2 in the VC... My windows are full limo tint, so I roll the windows up and go for it...
First heat up, yummy flavor and decent amount of vapor.... second heat up.... the money shot, huge thick clouds....
While exhaling I hear knock knock knock on my window

The pizza was ready... less than 2 minutes after he says 10 minutes... so I roll the window down and a cloud comes out...
I try and play it off, pretend nothing unusual is happening, and grab the pizza... then the guy says what mods are you running ? ....

Confused, and high, knowing nothing about ecigs, I think he's asking about my truck, so I start listing off the CAI, transmission controllers, exhaust, lift, tires etc... and now he looks confused
Then he says, um, no, your ecig.... now I'm trying not to laugh

but don't want to tell him I'm vaping pot in the drive through of the pizza joint....
So I say... Just a standard omnivap mod, and then I pray he doesn't ask to see it!
Moral of the story... the omni puts out clouds like an e-cig...
Oh... and don't vape at the pizza pickup window... it starts conversations that only slow down the process of eating said pizza.