Hey vapcappers!

STILL rocking my Omni most days, or just about every day at least once with a rare exception. Most days I use another, bigger hitting device as well. Currently the Elev8r with a coil.
But 2 out of the last 3 days I ONLY used the Omnivap. 3 days ago I had 10 full loads over the day, and a little more conservative yesterday with a later start just 8 full loads.
Certainlt enough anyway. I do overuse actually put of suffering for distraction, not always the best remedy. But I am trying to be more moderate.
So difficult though with a fresh harvest of so many diff bits (only 3 strains but num3rous phenotypes). Like in a sweet shop, not enough hours in the day and credits in my tolerance to satisfy my lust for getting to know each plant.
This is also where the Vapcaps are so amazing to have around- for multiple strain sampling in real mix and match style. 2 years later and absolutely zero regrets buying my Vapcap.
As far as vaporizer purchases go, it has to go down as one of my best and least regrettable buys ever really no downside at all.
I will admit I'm not in love with my vapcap and I don't have the same passion that many of you here have for the device. I definitely don't like everything about it. But lots of other vapes have been and gone and will continue to do so, while the trusty Omni will hold its place through time I have no doubt.
I wish you all a happy vapcapping weekend! Got me the final bit of trimmong to do next then I will be joining you all for some more havest research.