This and a sedentary lifestyle is the reason 70% of Americans are Over weight![]()
Finally got a VapCap [M]. I'd been planning all along on filing notches for more air, but I do not see the problem. In fact I've taped over the finger hole too. Draws fine for me.
I looked thru my wood scrap pile for something exotic as a magnet/cooler piece.
All I came up with was this broken zebrawood thrift shop freebie.
Voila: the neodymium water buffalo suppository!
Wish I could trim off, sand , and polish what's left of the "rider" but man, this wood is hard and dense.
At least drilling the bu**hole was easy.
All the food is POISON. vap cap on!
I always wondered what Jabba would look like all fit and trim.
This and a sedentary lifestyle is the reason 70% of Americans are Over weight
I have tried to like to modded SS tips and prefer it stock with draw resistance, and like you, some days I don't need milky rips, a few sips here and there and on with the day/ big deal
We are #10! Yay!!!@Helios I was feeling funny thinking “70%” of US were overweight?
Actually, it is the inverse of that!
1/3! —What a relief.
According to the World Health Organization
Now I don’t have to throw my VapCap away!
( I know, “overweight”, not “obese”, gotta move on )
I for one have lost quite a bit of weight since I started vaping full-time last fall. And recent reports suggest that folks that use cannabis are less likely to be obese than folks who don't. Odd, huh?
Been waiting for canna bier, but pike? People eat pike?
Today I received this little 10mm banger hanger that I got a rather good deal on from @thenotoriouspak on instagram.
Very nice!
I've been looking for a silver & gold fumed bubbler for a while... how do I order from this guy? do I need to have an Instagram account?