I posted pics of Newvapes Pax loading tool which is perfect for the vc here:
Been wanting to get this off my chest for a while, so, thank you LP for your post giving me a perfect opportunity to do so.
Understand ... I'm in no way being a mod, just voicing my individual opinion on the direction of this thread of late.
It's off topic because there's dedicated threads for both, as both topics generate a ton of posts. Members who only use IHs, & vice-versa, are subjected to having to begin to read through a ton of posts needlessly. As I strictly use IH, I can surely say that these voluminous posts are a pita to wade through when there are dedicated threads.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, which I'm sure that everyone can appreciate, is that those dedicated threads represent a knowledge base, so anyone interested in employing the thread as such is missing out on valuable input because relevant posts are
embedded-in throughout this thread, so the derived benefit of these posts (not being on the appropriate thread) is negated.
Look, I'm not looking to make enemies or friends, on this issue, just needed to say my peace. I feel better.

Do whatever you will.