Me to. Got it some days ago for the order I made the 19/4, and now it is on fly. Just when I was wondering if the shipping confirm was lost... I got it. Patience is a virtue.Yay I got my shipping confirmation today.
Now I just have to wait ~4 weeks to get it through customs and I even may pay taxes. It's so awesome to order from overseas... Funny thing is that it will still be cheaper than buying in EU.
My cap needs it
Not OT at all I guess. Well, this is my official way to clean it inside (and to clean pretty all metal parts of vapes): I use baking soda....
And here it is, shining as new.
It’s incredible how fast people disconnect the human aspect of a company once a product is established and running.
Dynavap has been founded three years ago (correct me if I’m wrong), from a developers viewpoint what they achieved is nothing less but amazing.
From glass, to creating five or more different tips, innumerable bodies and stems, accessories and stashes, each one clever and well thought of.
The M clearly filled a hole in the vape market, lifting the company up to the level it should reach, in proportion to the devotion put into this.
In such a short time span, nothing less than amazing.
Now, through ingenious marketing they have created their own proverbial tsunami as @stark1 stated.
And indeed, probably the sales even exceeded their own expectations, as for the first time I am reading true complaints, and I have been reading this monster of a thread since page 100 or so.
Yet, what I actually read are first of all, enormous first world problems with a good dose of impatience.
We live in polluted towns, let water become flammable in Flint, consume enormous quantities of food preservation chemicals, yet we are able to complain about the fact that you need to clean a product once you receive it.
I feel sad for Dynavap, their generous sale backfired a little on this forum, and I think I’m signing out of this thread.
Thanks it was fun, I love my woody, I respect George and his team, yet these kind of discussions of the last 6 pages make me cringe.
Peace, I was going to say we all should have a vape and chill out, but I don’t know if that is the answer, it seems it makes people over-think stuff.
You’re upset because there’s some honest QC issues being brought up? After how many pages you’re going to jump ship because there’s a few rough ones?It’s incredible how fast people disconnect the human aspect of a company once a product is established and running.
Dynavap has been founded three years ago (correct me if I’m wrong), from a developers viewpoint what they achieved is nothing less but amazing.
From glass, to creating five or more different tips, innumerable bodies and stems, accessories and stashes, each one clever and well thought of.
The M clearly filled a hole in the vape market, lifting the company up to the level it should reach, in proportion to the devotion put into this.
In such a short time span, nothing less than amazing.
Now, through ingenious marketing they have created their own proverbial tsunami as @stark1 stated.
And indeed, probably the sales even exceeded their own expectations, as for the first time I am reading true complaints, and I have been reading this monster of a thread since page 100 or so.
Yet, what I actually read are first of all, enormous first world problems with a good dose of impatience.
We live in polluted towns, let water become flammable in Flint, consume enormous quantities of food preservation chemicals, yet we are able to complain about the fact that you need to clean a product once you receive it.
I feel sad for Dynavap, their generous sale backfired a little on this forum, and I think I’m signing out of this thread.
Thanks it was fun, I love my woody, I respect George and his team, yet these kind of discussions of the last 6 pages make me cringe.
Peace, I was going to say we all should have a vape and chill out, but I don’t know if that is the answer, it seems it makes people over-think stuff.
I find comments by @stark1 and other long time vapers odd. Do you order from other companies and vape without cleaning them? Would you buy glass without cleaning it before use? I dont care if it looks clean I dont know who or how it was handled so I clean all my new toys... @stark1 I hope you dont think I am attacking you. Your name was the first I could think of. I guess I dont understand the call for a sterile vape delivered. When do we take responsibility for our goods? QC will be handled as it always has in the past and we havent seen them stop taking care of us.
Sooooo Relax Brothers and Sisters and enjoy the day...![]()
Cap clicks definitely vary both from cap to cap and over time/with use in the same cap.Granted I’m a first timer but just got my M in the 420 sale and it looks pretty damn near perfect to me. Still working on my technique but think my click is a little tough to hear over the torch noise. Are some louder than others or does the click change over time?
Granted I’m a first timer but just got my M in the 420 sale and it looks pretty damn near perfect to me. Still working on my technique but think my click is a little tough to hear over the torch noise. Are some louder than others or does the click change over time?
Cap clicks definitely vary both from cap to cap and over time/with use in the same cap.