Well, after sending 3 emails to DynaVap and not receiving any reply (except the stupid automated reply), I contacted my credit card company and had the company declared "Non-responsive". They said they will issue a full refund and back charge DynaVap.
How in the world can a company think they are going to stay in business when they have customer service like this.
The worse part is, what I ordered was a cap to replace the defective one they sent me in the first place, which should have been provided free anyway. My VapCap is in the drawer, useless.. Every time I heat it, the cap clicks and the cap jumps off the VapCap and onto the floor. I know DV in exempt from ever making mistakes and they are perfect in your eyes but this VC I bought was defective and they wouldn't even answer emails about it. I'm done with that company and their products.
I hope the guy who's Dynastash broke in 2 months and the magnet didn't work, gets it fixed. 2 months? Do they not offer ANY warranty with their products? Obviously not.
Well, bash and flame me again for having an opinion that's not the same as yours. I won't be back to this thread so I won't see them.
I've read your angry comments in the previous pages and have chosen to bite my tongue up till now, however I really think you need to take a deep breath and calm down. Have a vape perhaps?
Three emails with no response is understandably frustrating, but what you aren't appreciating is that Dynavap is a TINY company. I don't know exactly how many members of staff they have but it's definitely less than 20 and probably under 10.
The issue is that they've made a product so popular their supply can't meet the demand IMMEDIATELY, that's something that improves as a company scales so if you want to be one of the early supporters then you need to be understanding.
Contacting your credit card company seems a little hasty at this point. Surely us 'fanboys', who just want to 'bash and flame' you, are proof of Dynavap's sterling customer service? If you'd waited I'm sure they'd have resolved the issue for you this week.
Seems like the issue you're having is one you could resolve yourself though judging from @mrb 's response...
I just hope that Dynavap doesn't flinch from your vehement attack on them and us, their hobbyist collector fanbase, and end up sending you free stuff because in my opinion your behavior doesn't credit and isn't deserving of such a response. Or maybe it would be good if they did, to prove how wrong you are.
You come across as nothing more than a troll.
If that isn't the case then engage in discussion and try and find a resolution to your issue, you're never going to solve anything by throwing a tantrum.

Edit: Removed passage incorrectly stating Dynavap were on holiday.
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