
Unknown Member
I need this 14mm to 10mm warerpiece adapter for my non-vong-vapcaps.

This adapter looks large to me.
Is there a smaller version?
Like a 14mm male with a 10mm female inside?

D'you know what I mean?
You are looking for a low profile 14mm-10mm reducer. I’ve seen them but I wouldn’t expect the random smoke shop to carry it..


Long Island, NY
@Mr.Sifter, you can easily pick them up at dhgate. Just google & see what online stores have them. Go for a low profile one.

I need a little insight good folks. My cap seems to be double clicking on heat up and cool down. I have combusted a few times by accident. The cap makes a very faint click on heat up, and if more heat is applied it makes a louder click soon after most times. Same on the cool down. This am I didn't get a loud click on heat up and completely scorched everything. Is my cap broken from misuse ?

Got these from a 'double click' thread search. Maybe more, but these suffice.

If you're only get one click or faint clicks, try shaking the cap to re-seat the discs or "lightly" tapping it on a counter.


Well-Known Member
Hi all.

I'm curious why lots of people here (including the esteemed @Squiby) recommend heating the lower (hottest) part of the cap for the first heating, then the middle, then the top? This seems to me to go against the general idea of "temp stepping" people use with other vapes, where they first do a low temp hit, then gradually increase the temperature to extract all the good stuff out bit by bit.

I'm guessing it's because the heating of the vapcap is more complicated, so that for example the first heating is unlikely to get the herb as hot as the second one. But still, for me I like to hit it cool at first, then step gradually to hotter hits, which does work well (though with later heat-ups I need to be very careful to stop heating very soon after the click).

Any insights into people's preferred heating styles very welcome.

Just to note, I don't have an IH, or the money to get one any time soon, so torch lighters is all I know.


Well-Known Member
Hi all.

I'm curious why lots of people here (including the esteemed @Squiby) recommend heating the lower (hottest) part of the cap for the first heating, then the middle, then the top? This seems to me to go against the general idea of "temp stepping" people use with other vapes, where they first do a low temp hit, then gradually increase the temperature to extract all the good stuff out bit by bit.

I'm guessing it's because the heating of the vapcap is more complicated, so that for example the first heating is unlikely to get the herb as hot as the second one. But still, for me I like to hit it cool at first, then step gradually to hotter hits, which does work well (though with later heat-ups I need to be very careful to stop heating very soon after the click).

Any insights into people's preferred heating styles very welcome.

Just to note, I don't have an IH, or the money to get one any time soon, so torch lighters is all I know.

Because the first heat up also needs to heat soak the tip.

They move up so that they don't combust on subsequent hits.

There's a lot of variety in how you heat up. A lot of it has to do with personal preferences.


60 going on 20
Will the @Pipes induction heater work with a Vapcap glass OG? Since it's induction, I was curious if it needed the metal in the SS or Ti tips to work properly.

@nickdanger i recall reading it didn't work, or not well. though i don't understand why it wouldn't if it's slow enough. even if it only heats the cap and not the tip, wouldn't that be the same as heating with a torch?
The IH works as far as heating is concerned, just as @asdf420 surmised. My problem with it was that the cap compressed onto the ground glass chamber and airflow was severely impacted. Eventually that first OG cracked, and quite frankly don’t want to risk the rest of my OG glass stash.

Hi all.

I'm curious why lots of people here (including the esteemed @Squiby) recommend heating the lower (hottest) part of the cap for the first heating, then the middle, then the top? This seems to me to go against the general idea of "temp stepping" people use with other vapes, where they first do a low temp hit, then gradually increase the temperature to extract all the good stuff out bit by bit.

I'm guessing it's because the heating of the vapcap is more complicated, so that for example the first heating is unlikely to get the herb as hot as the second one. But still, for me I like to hit it cool at first, then step gradually to hotter hits, which does work well (though with later heat-ups I need to be very careful to stop heating very soon after the click).

Any insights into people's preferred heating styles very welcome.

Just to note, I don't have an IH, or the money to get one any time soon, so torch lighters is all I know.

The main reason for this is thermal mass and capacitance. Starting at the hot end gets the goods going faster. Where that exact point is has many variables, but your second and third hits will start with thermal energy already stored in the cap, tip and load. doesn’t take as much torch energy to get more heat into the cap/tip/load. It’s all in the experimentation, but @Squiby is quite solid in recommending this technique. And as ever, YMMV


Well-Known Member
Because the first heat up also needs to heat soak the tip.

They move up so that they don't combust on subsequent hits.

There's a lot of variety in how you heat up. A lot of it has to do with personal preferences.

The main reason for this is thermal mass and capacitance. Starting at the hot end gets the goods going faster. Where that exact point is has many variables, but your second and third hits will start with thermal energy already stored in the cap, tip and load. doesn’t take as much torch energy to get more heat into the cap/tip/load. It’s all in the experimentation, but @Squiby is quite solid in recommending this technique. And as ever, YMMV

Cool, thanks so much @szai and @mucsusn, that makes a lot of sense, and was kind of what I thought might be the case anyway. Sounds to me like I need to spend more time practicing and playing about with different heating techniques. It's a tough hobby, but someone's gotta do it.


Karma Farmer
I'm curious why lots of people here (including the esteemed @Squiby) recommend heating the lower (hottest) part of the cap for the first heating, then the middle, then the top? This seems to me to go against the general idea of "temp stepping" people use with other vapes, where they first do a low temp hit, then gradually increase the temperature to extract all the good stuff out bit by bit.

I always do it the other way round. I start at the top and go slowly down to the bottom. Like a rockstar who became famous over night. That's the astounding thing about the Vapcaps: Not only one road leads to DeForest...
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Long draws
@snaffle I use a quad torch. I heat it up then let it cool down click and heat again for the first draw. You get a nice first hit if your not looking for flavor. Plus with a quad torch it heats real fast so normally you get smaller hits. With the double light he hits a re nicer per light after. I recommend quad torch all the way.


Collector of Functional Art
The IH works as far as heating is concerned, just as @asdf420 surmised. My problem with it was that the cap compressed onto the ground glass chamber and airflow was severely impacted. Eventually that first OG cracked, and quite frankly don’t want to risk the rest of my OG glass stash.
Well, I hadn't thought about the cap compressing when pushed, and I certainly don't want to impact the flavor or break my OG because I do enjoy it in the rotation. Torch it will be for that one!

BT Bean

Bredda Gravalicious
When I first got my Omni I would hit it top, middle, and bottom. Then someone suggested always heating the bottom half, and I found that to be perfect. I use a single torch and move the flame up and down while rotating, always keeping the flame on the bottom (digger) half. The first few hits are loaded with taste, the rest are thick and satisfying. I like to savor my weed, and this method seems to get me the most hits from a cap.


Lonesome Planet
I do it the old fashion way, the Jarhead way.
Just stick it in, pop it out when it clicks. Works every time.

No technique, no finesse, but it's hello a lot easier with a Jarhead.
Permission for Liberty, Portside. Sir! Mabbe a Mini?

Oh, Hell give me any old IH...
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Hard on Glass
I use a single torch and move the flame up and down while rotating, always keeping the flame on the bottom (digger) half.

That's exactly the way i do it. When i'm a bit low and want to stretch my stash just a bit, the 3rd or 4th hit i'll keep heating until i hear the second click (though this is not very recommended..).
Never combusted (because of this, i've combusted sometimes because vapcap got me TOO medicated, if there's such a thing ehehe), works everytime.
Got the o-ring pushed up above the airhole (edit: only on the nonavong, on the M i like feathering) so it really is 'fire and forget'.
Just need to get me an IH for more versatility and it's pretty damn near perfect... well, i guess it could clean itself up and make me a sandwich... :D

Fat Freddy

If you're only get one click or faint clicks, try shaking the cap to re-seat the discs or "lightly" tapping it on a counter.

Hmmmm...that really can help huh? Well why didn't someone tell me that before now!?

Maybe I'll change my vote then on whether to allow you to stay a little longer on FC Island? :rofl:


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Just another traveller in the Cannaverse
@stardustsailor I dig the shit out of the screen setting tool. With that one part longer I could see it being perfect. Pop it out turn it around and pop it in. I think they'd be a nice add-on for any of your custom stems. Especially as someone from the US.

And I think someone mentioned contacting DV. I'd second that. To me the screen setter is just one of those things that makes sense for them like induction heater. And they've embraced working with the craft vape/accessory makers all along.

I love the Dynaverse. It's especially pretty with my Carbon Fiber XL in hand.

It would appear that the latest Nor'Easter has delayed my '18 M. I was hoping to try it out before tonight's Dynavap Live.

Don't forget 6pm Central Time. We can all see how jet lagged George is; the man's been globe hopping the past month.



Company Rep
Company Rep
Mine made it in today, and it has exceeded my expectations. All the little tweaks have added up to something awesome. It is so smooth and sleek, but with the ability for monster rips..that's all for now..back to testing :brow::clap::rockon::drool:

(Gypsy was very curious too)
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@GtrBob thanks for reminding me, @pxl_jockey don't forget to remove your Prince Albert. It may smart a bit.:rofl:

@Kalessin there's a lot of difference between the tips, better how?

@Fat Freddy that 0.5g of wax down the front there didn't last long, I'm sorry I can't report much else on the DVIH.
It all got too manic to have really put it thru it's paces.

Here's the hemp thru the course of use with a little larger piece in the centre.

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