
Long Island, NY
@Ricardo, without translating (being too lazy right now), I liked your post because I just know you said something nice, as you always do.

I gotta say @Dutch-Mic, yours is the best Spoiler I've yet to see. Didn't see that one coming. Congrats! :clap: When is the baby due?

To add something Dynavap related: I don't know why, but all my tips don't fit in my cocobolo stem anymore :hmm: I tried different o-rings and condensers, but that didn't make a difference.

I don't know, but I would think that the wood is expanding, since the tips can't shrink. :p No doubt, now, that others will way in. :)

@phattpiggie, that's from your hotel room? *Notice that I strategically quoted you under the above post. ;) :p :lol:

I wanted to cross-post this for everyone, it's cute:
How much vap would a vap cap vap if a vap cap could cap vap?
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Lonesome Planet
Been gone for a while just went on the website to buy something and they don't have anything left. Only Dark and light wood? Looks cheap. Hope they aren't going out of business.

A bit ex(tr)ime, I dare say, "...they don't have anything left"??

If I were to attempt to buy 1/10 of what they do have in stock, I prolly loose my shirt.
Not to mention my wallet.

Whatever fits your wallet. :2c:

Santa's helpers are a tad busy, restocking.
Busy, making the Mark II. M for the enlightened. :chill::spliff:
The chosen illuminati. And El Mundo.

Don't lose it.
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Well-Known Member
Dynavap should stock up on different vongs.
maybe some bi-color deluxe ones for 10-15$ more.

and dont change the titanium XL stem design before I can get my greedy hands on one on the 4/20 sale.
unless you do a Dynafeed discount anytime before that.
its only 41 days to 4/20

my gosh, time flies


More Dynastashes also! I have good news and bad news.....not so bad...:lol: MY M IS ON ITS WAY! The not so bad part is I wasn't able to ad my magnet yesterday so magnet shopping today! I will start at my favorite place....Wally World! I will be on the lookout for Wallmartians while i am there.....:rofl:


Well-Known Member
For all the Dynafans out there that have a problem with their DVAS, there's a (temporary) way to suppress it! I still want the 2018 M, the omni and all the "legos parts", but won't buy it. The secret:

Make a baby. Baby stuff is expensive!

For the Spannabis visitors: have fun!

Ha! Congratulations! This is what i did, baby arrived on Monday. I now have no money for VAS, nor the time to use my M anyway! Go us!


Interplanetary Development
I'm not owning the Silo (yet) but I think it's a nice design. I don't think the not anodized inside is a health problem. @InterplanetaryTanner: Is it possible for something to flake off inside? If it's just an unclean look (inside) I'm alright with that. Nice Launch Pad by the way!

It possible for staff to flake off in the same way that its possible for stuff to flake of any aluminum object.

It’s the same kind of aluminum that an unanodized grinder would use. And it’s also the same anodization an anodized grinder would use... It’s just not pretty because air got trapped in the tubes when it got dipped in the anodizing solution

almost there

Well-Known Member
Ha! Congratulations! This is what i did, baby arrived on Monday. I now have no money for VAS, nor the time to use my M anyway! Go us!
big congratulations to both you and @Dutch-Mic . As long as you keep BAS at bay you'll be back in your groove in no time. I took 2 separate 1 year breaks and looking back it really wasn't all that necessary but the extra money came in handy without a doubt.
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