can you shange the flint in the aomai lighters ?
thats perfect.
I will order some for me and the person I turnt on into vaping with the M.
Look so cool with the M and I think I like how it works.
the sparkle of the flint and to get rid off the lighter click.
I use the PLASTIC DUPE TUBE the "M" comes with.i dont own a dynastash.
they are nice to look at but I dont see the use for me.
I carry the M in its green tube and ground material in a film cannister.
it separates everything; that can be a good thing in a country where it is illegal.
I took a chance and bid on five of them on eBay ( wish me luck ).
I use the PLASTIC DUPE TUBE the "M" comes with.
KID's love it!
I love it and CANNABIS make's Astrophysics's doable?
VAPCAP if your not scared!
Technically anything not made/sold by Dynavap is off topic, tho I would think torches and IHs and alternative carry storage devices devices and even some glass discussion are all ancillary and to whatever extent necessary to use the VCs so should be OK. And given George's penchant for helping DIY guys, even some competitors discussion is also apparently acceptable. This is a pretty open thread. Just don't start talking Trump...Weird how one of the main components for a vapcap is considered off topic.
CARL SAGAN NEWTON GALILEO EISENSTEIN = KRAUSS TYSON NYE = ASTRO SCIENNCEWHAT IS this “astrophysics”, some kinda mental gymnastics deep in the merging of binary black holes,
rippling the very fabric of space-time, and everything eventually evaporating into nothingness...
You mean you can approach the event horizon of one with a coupla tokes on a VapCap.
You aren’t Messier with me?
I can’t even find Pluto, these days. I heard he got demoted.
We are approaching the Great Wall of Galaxies, our lil Local Group? Our homunculus is in Coma?
Strange how the CfA galactic survey is erringly similar to an event in the past
I prefer the other end of the spectrum, with Schroedinger’s cat, chasing all those massive Higgs bosons.
I am scared. Scared some unstable nut is gonna push the EASY there fella BUTTON. Oh, well,
Another toke over the line.Now, where’d I put those itsy bitsy flints.
VapCap = Good Tymes
Did I spell it wrong?I like blueberry pancakes. UfO.
NEAPOLITANEinstein//Heisenberg that's the ultimate combot !
Hm, bit wary about putting vinegar in it. Anyone done that?Baking soda, vinegar, hot water? = sanitized??
................................................................................................Hey peeps, quick question. In the absence of ISO alcohol, what's the best way to clean the Vapcap in preparation for travel?
I think it's more likely that I'll be able to find proper pipe cleaners than ISO, if that's any help.![]()