All the info to get on my next round of orders is in my last few posts
Phattpiggies Wood Shed
@stardustsailor and
@Winegums did you hear George on his live Q&A, we nearly got a mention
I gummed up my cap with some concentrate today and whilst the cool down clicks were very audible the hot clicks we very faint.
To clean it I put a few drops of Iso in the cap and shook it a few times to dissolve the goop.
Did this a couple of times then dried it out with a Q tip and held it in a pair of pliers and torched it to check for clicks.
Normal service was resumed.
I would only recommend this method to those who feel confident and competent about it, Iso burns with a barely visible very hot flame.
The last thing anyone wants is for someone to get hurt or worse, please be very careful