@beyond6strings same here I shadowed on here for some time before actually joining a forum particularly FC which are full of amazing, interesting people and info, yes 'Anhydrous' is for me the way to go as well when using glass however I will use h20 every now and again, something about blowing bubbles brings out the kid in me
@Mr.Sifter funny I always likened my vapcap AVB smell to a temperamental California

Pinot Noir, as my old Sommelier instructor (rip Mr. Smith) used to encourage us to be bold and discover our own palette and nose. however I don't go too far with the cap as far as heating temps, usually stay In the middle temps. When you mentioned Bagel radio on Somafm I laughed, I typically always listen to Groove salad or drone zone stations but will on occasion tune in to Folk forward or Bagel radio
@wileycoyote1103 your cap still works yea? I did a similar thing when my Omni came in first day- boom right on the hard tile

, luckily it still clicks properly.