
Well-Known Member
Not to be argumentative but... :D

I don't think of the Vapcap as a butane vape. It's a vape that requires an external heat source. Butane is merely one option albeit a good one.

Candles to campfires it all works!

I would take the non-argument one step further and suggest that inductive heating is not an external heat source. It's more like a power supply.


Well-Known Member
Someone here already did his Black Friday purchases... I'd post a pic, but I don't seem to be able to do so. To sum up, I got an OmniVap XL, a 3-flame jet torch Vertigo lighter and some butane gas for 151 euros! I think it's a nice deal, isn't it?

VAS has been so strong and impossible to avoid this time, that I have spent money I don't have yet (a friend of mine paid 2/3 on my behalf; I have to give him around 100 euros back by Christmas at a 0% interest rate). Shame on me. And long life to him!
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Smokey McVape

Well-Known Member
Went to check out my sale basket and realised why I ended up missing out on the 420 sale. I don't have a credit card. In the uk we have debit cards which unfortunately don't work on the @VapCap site! Hopefully I've got a friend coming over tomo who has a credit card but PayPal would be my preferred choice ideally. Oh well I know PayPal are funny about these things.

Fingers crossed I don't miss this one too!!
@davesmith - I'm in the UK and have always used my Visa debit card to pay Dynavap without any problem.


Just a dude
@davesmith Me too, unfortunately it worked perfectly twice. Not that they double charged me or anything untoward. My problem with DynaVap is they were so great in really helping me buy one thing, that when I saw another thing they let me add it to my purchase. That's right, DynaVap sold me 2 things when at first I only wanted one thing.

Then, less than 48 hours later they let me put 2 Dynmags & 3 Ti CCDs in my basket, proceed to checkout and processed the Visa debit transaction again. It was seemless, there were no site crashes, bog-downs, or page reloads to give me the briefest of moments to consider these extra bits that I didn't need straight away.

What they should do for every registered VapCapper*, during checkout but before you click Pay, is a Pop-up window that says "Hi pj, we noticed you've made a recent purchase. Do you have a Dyna-sized problem? A DynaObsession? Does your partner know about this? If single, will you be eating ramen noodles for a week to pay for this? Just asking. Sincerely, George and everyone at DynaVap "

* because they know you're well & truly hooked!

EDIT: I have 2 ship notices in my inbox :brow: I'm so excited I can't even believe it's really true and happening. That I am going to be holding a piece of art & design that will last forever! I haven't had the flagship model of anything in ages! I'll try to maintain a veneer of modesty, after all plenty of folks have an omni, even omni XL. Lots of people I bet, but none of those are mine and mine is the best one of all time!
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Well-Known Member
As others have mentioned a bit of silicone tubing on the M or any other Vapcap for that matter works pretty well on a 14mm female glass joint. If the cut is imprecise, ragged or out of square the seal is compromised.

This can be improved upon imo. I have a 1/2 in. long piece of 5/6 OD silicone tubing folded back over itself and place over the lip relief, this creates a very true edge that seals perfectly but remains easy to pull off of the 14mm joint.

The depth of engagement in the joint can be fine tuned by moving the tubing up or down the stem. The very tip of the mouth piece is not covered so a quick dry hit remains pleasant, no silicone in the mouth.

Hope this helps! :brow:
I queued for portside for about a week then decided to DIY. Ordered the parts from Amazon on a Thursday, was inducting Saturday night.
Would you mind saying what the parts came to total from Amazon? My only issue is my hand is fucked from some nerve related crap, so waiting on neurologist.
Was thinking maybe I could try assembling one depending on part cost.

Thanks!!! ✌️


Well-Known Member
I dont have any idea how much butane you need to vape, lets say 20 caps a month.

is it a neglected factor in price-use-ratio ?
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Well-Known Member
The M fits PERFECTLY in a 10mm male glass piece.

I'm pretty sure that the fat mp will work with a 14mm female joint.

Male, female, 10mm, 14mm .....:shrug:. I honestly have no idea about glass. Zero. My local Grow Shop has only two crappy bongs. Anything I get will have to come by mail, and many companies don't ship to my extra-peripheral location(I'm looking at you, DHGate), so I need to get this right :\. Really like the look of the unit recommended by @almost there
...will try to source it elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
Stop overthinking this DynaVap thing! They work! Like a charm!

oh, I hear you.
The vapcap thing calls me for some reason.
I will try not to overthink it.
But, you know, overthinking is something that is not engaged by the influence of my will.
At least in big parts.....

One thing I really like in the dynavap Vapcap movement is the "keep it simple" attitude, although I know there is a lot of work and thought put in these small devices.
I like the idea of sizing down to things that function on a very basic and reliable nature.

Yes, my hoppers work great, but for how long? I care about them and the probability of them failing to work crosses my mind from time to time.
So what is that?
Afraid my intoxication devices could fail and leave me sober when I want to escape?
harsh words.
Some truth sits inside.

I dont want to be dependent on substance or devices to deliver effect.
still I want to use herbs and plants, not misuse to escape.

keep it simple..
have a small device for microdosing that you dont worry about that much.
its not the final solution but it sure beats the hell ... ah fuck it............


Well-Known Member
Ordered a Cocobolo OMNI with a dynastash here. Excited! I started smoking cannabis with a dugout and bat, and eventually moved into glass chillums. I discovered how affordable vaping has become this last spring and retired the chillum, I have since acquired an iFocus Pro, Solo II, and an EVO. I have had an interest in dynavaps because I do a fair amount of back-country camping and don't want to have to worry about battery powered vapes.

A very good friend of mine has been suffering from health issues and has been using cannabis to help alleviate his pain. He quit smoking cigs a few years ago(uses e-cigs), but still combusts his cannabis. Is on disability and has a very fixed income. I told him about the "M" and it's fantastic affordable price for someone on a fixed income - this morning he emailed me to say he got the BF discounted "M" Starter pack! That really makes my day!!!


Well-Known Member
I dont have any idea how much butane you need to vape, lets say 20 caps a month.

is it a neglected factor in price-use-ratio ?

I bought a 300mL can of butane when I got my M in April; I use 2-4 caps per day with a triple flame torch, and the can feels about 25% full today. I think you'd lose more dollar value in stem weight from your buds, honestly.


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
I dont have any idea how much butane you need to vape, lets say 20 caps a month. is it a neglected factor in price-use-ratio ?

Butane is hardly a cost factor at all in dynavap use. . . I spent £15 on good butane last April and Ive used about 2/3rds of that so far. . .

Go on Mr Sifter. . . Now is the time to jump in and get yourself a DV! Prices haven't been this good since the 420 sale when they last offered free shipping's well as 20% . .


Well-Known Member
A good torch will be way more of an investment than butane...I have a triple and a double and just ordered a the short time I’ve had my Omni I think dialing in heat amount and placement on the cap plays a huge factor in flavor and vapor production


Well-Known Member
Ok I decided to get a Wooden TI vapcap (thanks to Summer). What happened to the Nonavong XLS though?? Did they sell out or just no longer in production?

It looks like they just wanted to reduce the number of builds they needed to have ready to go for this sale to expedite shipping (same reason the discount doesn't apply to the Dynabuilder models). They took both the Nonavong XLS and Omnivong XL off right before launching the sale. The woody omnis were there when I looked last but someone mentioned above those are gone too – possibly they sold out of the ones they had built? (Edit: just looked and saw they're calling the Omnivongs Omnivaps now even though they have the vong middle – I guess they are just simplifying the line up)

I just picked up a Nonavong and the XL condenser kit to build myself an XLS Nona yesterday :)
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