@antispleen I like the cut of your jib! Is that New Englandy? Just painful? At any rate, you handled that high stress situation admirably. You have what it takes to form a club, if you chose. You don't have to.
Anyway, I put forth the motion that antispleen shall be forthwith known as "a good sort" &"rather a kick-ass fellow" in these parts and indeed, wherever his combustion fucking takes him on all FC boards. All Aye, raise your hand. Motion passes unanimously! Huzzah!
@Sir-vapes-a-lot Thank you for reigning me in, I was bang out of order. I came across as a jack-ass rather than oddly welcoming, yet darkly foreboding. Truth is I'm feeling a bit high-spirited in these early morning hours. No excuses, but... if I had to give one it would go something like this:
Did anybody here know that prescription medications can often have undesirable side-effects? TRUE, shocking but TRUE! So I perhaps, by a moderate person's standard, vaped that one vape over the line.

One vape over the line, sweet Jesus! And then one more.

To counter-act the not-fun meds. You know, Science.
The thing is with a VC, even over-endulging doesn't use much material. Really, doesn't put a dent in your stash and that makes me feel the opposite of sad. The fact of its efficiency still amazes me. Went through some herb when learning the ways of the M, "how to "put it all together" into a repeatable technique because I always neglected one aspect, too impatient with myself.
Others here like to show off and are certified pros in an afternoon. But I got there, eventually. The best things in life typically require some time and experience to fully appreciate. Now some can't wait for it to arrive and try it before giving up? SMH WTF? Really? That is all, end transmission. Beep boop beep