Backwoods Rated
I took it to mean that vaporization efficiency is higher when you don't fill or pack the chamber. If you start out by vaping only a tiny amount, you will get higher proportionally than when vaping a full bowl.
The way i tested this is very easy...
Fill and pack the vapcap to FULL. Vape it to competition.
After the buzz has worn off...
Fill it full and pack again... Then knock it all out, and separate in into 2 or 3 separate loads... Vape them both/all back to back..
The same amount split into separate, less full, loads get me higher EVERY TIME!
Works combusting too..
I use to smoke blunts in my teen years... Then an old hippy told me to split the same amount i normally put into a blunt into 3 separate joints... I got way higher with only 2 of 3 said joints. Never smoked blunts again... And started rolling even smaller joints and still getting just as high.