
Well-Known Member
ease of use was one of the reasons I went with the Omni. I felt like not having to understand the carb cap in as much detail would improve me user experience. Hopefully I am correct...


Backwoods Rated
I get plenty of thick clouds with my M.

The torch and technique plays a huge part, as does how much you grind, how dry the herb is and everything else... Too many factors come into play...

Over 800 pages and nearly all positive... Unlike other portable vape threads... The vapcap is completely killing the idea that "people post more when they have issues, most people who are happy don't post" and every other excuse people use to justify the large amounts of issues with the product they want to love.

I have owned several log vapes, i can get just as good hits with my M. I have owned the arizer air and solo, the M kills them both. I have also owned and/or used the arizer eq, volcano digital, fw3, triihouse Lily and daisy, the no2 and probably a couple others I'm not remembering right now... My point is.... The only thing I'd trade my M for is another omni...


Vapo Rising
Nice video. How about a video using vapcap only and no bubbler? Not everyone are equipped with a bong and adapter or carries their bong outdoors.

Check out this video by @Nordicvejp , no bubbler , fast heat up , butane , herb.

@WoodVillain . Maybe you aren't using your log right as you claim only vapcap negatives are from people having trouble using theirs , lol.. I do like my M , it is my daily driver since being restricted to outdoor use. I'll keep practicing and improving my method. :)
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Backwoods Rated
Nice video. How about a video using vapcap only and no bubbler? Not everyone are equipped with a bong and adapter or carries their bong outdoors.

Check out this video by @Nordicvejp , no bubbler , fast heat up , butane , herb.

@WoodVillain . Maybe you aren't using your log right as you claim only negatives are from people having trouble using theirs , lol.. I do like my M , it is my daily driver since being restricted to outdoor use. I'll keep practicing and improving my method. :)

I wouldn't of owned multiple logs back then if i couldn't figure out how to use them right ;) I loved my logs don't get me wrong... But these days I'm barely ever at a desk and need on demand and portability.

My point still is, i can get just as good hits with my M than i could with any of my logs, even with a vvps. It took practice. But it's a great little vape.

Stick with it. Try different grinds, torches, torch techniques, different herb etc. You'll get it!!


Long Island, NY
@P.A.M. There are videos on youtube, in the previous pages of this thread & in the Pipes Induction Thread in the DYI Forum. Just gotta search. But here's the Vape Critic's video. If you scroll through the video, you'll see he takes about 4 hits & gets big clouds.

And here's sneakypete's vid on tips for big hits:

*A big part of the allure for me w/ the vc is that the form factor is very much like smoking a joint.
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Well-Known Member
... and presumably, I could place one clip, one screen, one @Squiby de-gummed hemp filter©, a second screen and a second clip..... right?
yes...Unless you seat the first screen at the bottom of the chamber, then add a filter and another screen on top. The c-cli holds the whole works together. You only really need one c-clip.

have you figured it out yet ?
Can realy tell how much herb it is caus of missing size relation.

no huge clouds ?

thought this device was so great

The Vapcap is so great. Like the manual transmission analogy above, the Vapcap responds to the driver's technique. You are in charge and to blame for your results. Because you are in charge, subtle manipulation drives performance where an automatic vaporizer may be easier going in, with less of a learning curve, ultimately it's less fun and infinitely less nimble than the Vapcap. This is why the Vapcap rocks.

I don't fully understand why some people put so much emphasis on producing billowing clouds. Personally I'm just in it to get stoned. Anyway, here are a few ideas that may help you to produce thick clouds of vapor.

Stash. Drier herb will produce more white clouds of vapor than moist herb. Grind your herb and let it sit out a bit, or even put it on top of your TV and it will dry out in no time.

Heater choice. Just about anything will heat a Vapcap. But for newbies the best choice is either an Induction Heater or a quad lighter.

If using an IH, insert the Vapcap and wait for the click. Then continue to heat for another second or two. The maximum length that you can go past the click is about 3.5 seconds, like this: one 1000, two 1000, three 1000, 4. Stop heating, pull the Vapcap out of the IH and toke. If you have combusted, back off a second or so.

Using a quad lighter, adjust your flame to it lowest setting, without sputtering. Apply the flame to the base of the cap next to the fins of the tip and the cap digger outter, while twirling the vapcap, so that heat is applied evenly around the cap. Heat a second or two past the click. Stop heating and toke. After the cooling click apply your heat a bit higher on the cap. The blue inner flame should just lick the cap. Don't immerse your VC in the flame.

Draw technique. With your finger on the carb, pull vapor into your mouth, do not inhale directly into your lungs. Rather puff on it like you are drawing on a cigar or using a straw to bring a beverage into you mouth. Then after you have pulled a few puffs into your mouth, remove your finger from the carb and inhale fresh air into your lungs along with the mouthpulled vapor.

I hate single and double torches because they are prone to scorching my loads especially the doubles.
The technique differs when using a single jet compared to say a quad.
A section of the cap needs to be evenly heated. I heat the bottom half of the cap during the first cycle, then heat the middle third then the top half.

A single jet lighter flame needs to oscillate or move back and forth over the area to be heated. This requires the dexterity to twirl the Vapcap in one hand and move the flame back and forth in the other. While I prefer a single jet lighter for it superior effects, success comes with practice and so I suggest that it is best to first master heating with a quad lighter as it covers full area to be heated with no movement.

To resolve your scorching, try oscillating the flame when using a single or even double jet. You just don't want to heat a line around the cap.

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Vapo Rising
@WoodVillain , thank you for tips , I should start grinding better rather than put little chunks in as suggested with included instructions. I did try it before but found my abv to be rather dark and gunning up the chamber . I will try grinding and backing off my torch perhaps, you are right , more techniques to be tried in my behalf.

It does stay clean using small pieces of herb.

@Summer , thank you for your time & help in digging up some vid's for me :)

Edit : @phattpiggie . Wow! That's what I like!. Like your stem , not stock (as purchased from dynavap) but awesome! Going to have to try and make or get my hands on one of those. Slick or/and sick looking man! Thank you for sharing
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60 going on 20
Edit : @phattpiggie . Wow! That's what I like!. Like your stem , not stock (as purchased from dynavap) but awesome! Going to have to try and make or get my hands on one of those. Slick or/and sick looking man! Thank you for sharing

@P.A.M. You’re talking to the man himself!!!!PM @phattpiggie to get on his list. He makes gorgeous, highly functional stems and is a pleasure to work with!


Well-Known Member
USPS just dropped off two lovely sandblasted M's. Absolutely lovely! Now a quick cleaning and an introduction to the rotation!:whip:

Same, 2 sandblasted and 2 (more) regular m''s just arrived. Cleaned one of the sandblasted and had to test for "quality control". :brow:

The sandblasted finish is cool, It is definitely more grippy, but I see it collecting hand oils more frequently. Nothing a quick wipe down with some is can't handle though.

The new grey o-rings on the tip also match the sandblasted finish well. But I think I like the feel of the smooth polished MP better than the sandblasted. I am sure I will get used to it though.

To keep the finish as pristine as possible, i think this one is only for use w/o a torch/flame. But then again, I haven't picked up a torch since my skelly arrived.. the SO's regular M still looks pretty good after a couple months of only induction heating.. no torch. We will see how this one fairs.


Well-Known Member


Lonesome Planet
@Pipes induction heater. He makes 3 at the moment. A portside (portable unit), jarhead (desktop unit), and a skeltor (a portside without an enclosure).

IMHO it really is a game changer over a torch.

Pipes is also working on a smaller version of his IH portable, size being limited by the IH module; by adopting
a smaller, and lighter, battery, he is going to work some magic for us EDC enthusiasts. Got me little
fingers crossed, and pockets enlarged. :brow:
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