Hi , I'm currently looking to purchase a omnivap , just wondering how safe it is to travel on flights with a omnivap , if its completely cleaned with iso? would it be safe to check it with luggage ? I guess carry on might be hard to explain what it is if asked
I've traveled around Europe with my Omni before with no issue. As long as it's clean then it's fair to say it's used with tobacco.
However like
@The Beagle I've never even had anyone stop to ask. I've traveled with mine in both the checked luggage and carry on (obviously separate flights, neither of my VapCap's co-exist as quantum-entangled simultaneously existing entities of themselves

I do agree with
@Doktor Dub though, now I only travel with the M so that if some dumbass security agent does take it from me I won't care so much.
For me the VapCap was great for consuming Cannabis without the tobacco. I use an e-cig mod to get my nicotine now.
Stage one was to separate the smoking of tobacco from vaping of cannabis. In this stage I was smoking tobacco in rollies and vaping cannabis in my VapCap which allowed me to get used to the Vapor. It also allowed my body to get used to not having substances created by the combustion of cannabis. This took a couple of weeks to get used to as vaping produces a slightly different experience than smoking cannabis. However because I was still smoking tobacco the differences were minimal.
Stage two was to switch from the rollies over to the e-cig. This cut out a lot of the other crap imbibed when smoking tobacco. I noticed it took a few weeks to adjust here as my body wasn't just addicted to the nicotine but also all the other crap in the tobacco.
Stage 3 was going to be quitting the e-cig but I'm finding that much harder as I enjoy using the e-cig. Not just for the nicotine use but also the vapor, flavour and mostly I like vaping the e-juice when I can't vape cannabis (working hours, driving, etc...). It's worth noting that e-cigs are not 100% safe, there are concerns around long term health side effects but it's still better than combustion.
Many folk struggle with the switch from smoking to vaping, mostly because they don't realise the body is addicted to more than just nicotine. Phasing out the combustion of cannabis, then the combustion of tobacco and finally the nicotine (if you choose to go that far):
- Gives you time to adjust to the feel of vapor without the nicotine craving
- Gives you time to explore the different vaping high's (different temps produce different experiences) without the nicotine craving
- Gives you time to explore the benefits of vaping such as flavour and improved efficiency (use less herb) without the withdrawal of nicotine clouding your judgement
Good luck with the switch man.
@phattpiggie, love the inlay, I think it was
@stardustsailor that was playing around with a similar concept. Trying to match up a heat anodized Ti-Tip with equivalent inlay colors.
I just got my Vapcap M as an addition to my og glass Vapcap. I am unsure about the cap itself - the new one makes a rattling noise when i shake it, the old one doesn't do this. Is the rattling sound normal? Or did i got a faulty cap?
Yeh each Cap has 2x bimetallic discs that click when heated (one is a backup should the other fail). That's what you can hear rattling around in the Cap, due to minor variations some may rattle, others may not. As long as you are getting at least one click during a heat cycle you should be good.