Actually is very easy to etch stainless steel .Love it!
The shell of the Z-plus II is in fact stainless steel.
And of high quality.
Great lighter.
Ordered a second one from Dynavap.
Actually is very easy to etch stainless steel .Love it!
So having gotten the chance to give the Vapcap a few more goes, damn I love this thing. My own problem is that when sufficiently medicated and there's two Vapcaps on the go, it's a bit hard to keep track of clicks.
I was wondering, is there much difference between the Omnivap and the Woody in terms of performance? I'm not sure I notice much difference between the M and the Woody.
If you haven't done so yet I highly advice you add the same grooves you find on top of your Ti-Woody Tip to your M's stainless steel tip. It makes a noticeable difference.
Ah, so it is mostly just a premium version. As for the water piece, now that sounds interesting. I've yet to toy with anything like that, yet.
You mean, add more grooves to the steel tip so it looks like the titanium one? I didn't even realise that was a thing. I'm definitely not brave enough to try that.![]()
You mean, add more grooves to the steel tip so it looks like the titanium one? I didn't even realise that was a thing. I'm definitely not brave enough to try that.![]()
How is everyone connecting the m to a 14 or 18mm glass piece? I've seen the rubber adapter, is that the best and easiest way?
As a device for hash, second to none!
Guys, not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I got my OmniVap XL last week and I'm having some troubles:
1) I turn my triple torch butane on and spin the Omni over the flame until the click, but after the click I can't wait too long and suddenly I hear the cool down click. I can barely take 1 hit and I already hear the cool down click and then I have to start the process all over again. Am I doing something wrong?
2) First or second hits I can see the vapor, but the following third or fourth hit there's almost no vapor whatsoever. What's up? I always fill the entire cap.
3) I never know when I have finished the material and can repack. How am I supposed to know? Is it when I start seeing no vapor?
Ahhh........I have an OG and an omni that I traded a vape I wouldn't be using ever and added a little cash for. It shall arrive early next week. That is all thanks to an awesome member on here and an ad I posted in classifieds.
Ask and trade and throw some money in and thou shall receive.
So coming from an M and a Nanovong, any tips from Omni/og users that I might not be aware of, that may optimize my experience???
I'm pretty damn excited ladies and gents.
Since the June sale, I've been using the M solely. Today was the 2nd day I used the Omni XL, & since I'm using @Pipes PS IH, I found absolutely no learning curve between it & the M. Going between them was seamless. The key here is the IH & respecting the click. That simple. Yet, I wouldn't be surprised if there were a slight difference if heating with a torch so I can't help you there & I no nothing about the OG.
Enjoy your new toys!
What do you mean by IH???
I have a Ti tip on my Nanovong so I assume the only thing is setting the mouthpiece to my desired restriction..... Which will be nice to not always have to feather the carb
Ohhhh @Summer , I have spent many a nights dreaming of the induction heater. However, with the living situation bow there is no real good way for me to frequently use plug in vapes or accessories comfortably. That's why my flower pot doesn't get as much love but my flip brick and vapcaps are daily drivers. In the future I will probably try to get on the list but my best bet with a 2 month old is treat my vaping like he treats his feeding.
Quick, simple, and on demand.
However, I have to be out on my porch while he gets the TV and comfort and stuff. Unfair.
I am still very excited about my toys though. And I think since I know Ti tips my only learning curve would be the MP..?