
Backwoods Rated
Went outside to hit my M a little while ago and, after the second hit, didn't realize that my torch lighter had blown out while I was lighting the piece for a solid 10-15 seconds! I lit it and heated the cap for a hit, but now I'm concerned I may have inhaled a fair amount of unlit butane. Is it possible that could've soaked into the bowl somehow?

It's probably my anxiety, but I feel "higher" than usual right now.

Unless you were pointing the unlit torch into the tip with the cap off while inhaling... You're fine.

Take a tablespoon of ground black pepper and put it under your tongue. Leave it there for a minute or so and try and make yourself burp.

When i was a teen i had a job washing dishes in a country restaurant after school... I show up one day high out of my mind, paranoid and anxious as hell...

The cook, a man in his sixties, comes up and tells me to do what i described above... Says it'll calm me down... Sure as shit it worked and has worked a couple more times through out my life.

Maybe placebo... But maybe it'll help you too...


20 going on 60
Unless you were pointing the unlit torch into the tip with the cap off while inhaling... You're fine.

Take a tablespoon of ground black pepper and put it under your tongue. Leave it there for a minute or so and try and make yourself burp.

When i was a teen i had a job washing dishes in a country restaurant after school... I show up one day high out of my mind, paranoid and anxious as hell...

The cook, a man in his sixties, comes up and tells me to do what i described above... Says it'll calm me down... Sure as shit it worked and has worked a couple more times through out my life.

Maybe placebo... But maybe it'll help you too...

I've used black peppercorns to reduce my anxious high.

It's doesn't reduce the high but it somehow reduces the anxiety a bit.

In my case I chewed and swallowed one peppercorn and then just chewed another one for a couple of minutes.


Lonesome Planet
"Take a tablespoon of ground black pepper and put it under your tongue. Leave it there for a minute or so and try and make yourself burp. "

Do you mean (1/2) a teaspoon full. Tablespoon full sounds dangerous, hic! Hic.

Or at least, a mouth full.
AAAh-choo! :D

PS try a couple of pints, it calms me quite nicely, thank you.


Well-Known Member
@LabPong No the ID has to be 8mm, the OD can be anything.

I've got some 12mm with 8mm ID glass tubes getting some work done on them and I'll be poking the guy who's working on them with a bloody big stick, 4500 mile long stick to be a bit more precise.

I ordered a few 4 inch glass tubes at 8mm ID and 12mm OD....see what happens......


So I think I'm falling for my Titanium Omnivap - I love her style, and petite smooth body, not to mention those sexy clicks. When I touch her carb hole, her draw resistance is so tight, and her taste so pure, it's addictive. I've never felt quite like this before about a vape. Is this love or lust? I'm scared this may all end in heart brake. It seems to good to be true. Please help! :love:


Well-Known Member
Hey folks, I combed through this thread but am looking for advice (or confirmation) on which Dynavap to get so I'll keep it short an sweet.

Use case:
- Only going to use maybe once a week
- Only going to take 1-2 draws at most ever, I'd like to be able to save/preserve load for future time
- Would prefer to just use a lighter/candle to stay discrete (most likely in my backyard/etc)

So it sounds like the M is the no brainer to not put a lot of money into something I will use rarely but also it sounds like the TI models warm (and cool) quicker which I assume would be better for a small batch and saving some for another time. Also the adjustability for a smaller batch.

I think I am torn between the M or the Ti Woody-S and I don't know if I have made the correct assumptions above.

Really, I wanted to just get a grasshopper but the idea of tinkering with electronic issues over time doesn't sound appealing which led me to the more analog solution of the dynavap. I am 100% new to all this and a little overwhelmed at the options but I think I wound up in the right place.
Have an M and a Tiny tipped nanovong...... Get the M. Trust me. I haven't used an omni but unless you're talking about getting into that price range, at less than 100 I would get the M.

I'm giving away all my torches that don't have a window for showing the level of butane remaining. Gosh this post seems way out of place. Hummm......

I mean, I only have one torch and would appreciate your leftovers....... I'm not the first to say it but I might be the most persuasive.




Long Island, NY
- Only going to use maybe once a week
- Only going to take 1-2 draws at most ever, I'd like to be able to save/preserve load for future time.

I think we've all said this, but the vc is so easy & pleasurable to use that it's so damn easy to slip into indulgement(?) with such ease that you very well may find yourself vaping more. :nod:

I'm giving away all my torches that don't have a window for showing the level of butane remaining. Gosh this post seems way out of place. Hummm......


Only teasing your fcm! You know I luv ya! Thankfully for both @flotntoke & @Hogni your post didn't take the thread off on a tangent. :p They both know what I mean. ;)

I love my Vapcaps and they love me. I know this by the way they make me feel when I'm with them.


So I think I'm falling for my Titanium Omnivap - I love her style, and petite smooth body, not to mention those sexy clicks. When I touch her carb hole, her draw resistance is so tight, and her taste so pure, it's addictive. I've never felt quite like this before about a vape. Is this love or lust? I'm scared this may all end in heart brake. It seems to good to be true. Please help! :love:

I think it's initial lust you're experiencing, after all what man can resist a virgin with all the attributes you listed above. :brow: But, it will in time, rest assured, turn to into everlasting love. ;)
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happy camper....
I mean, I only have one torch and would appreciate your leftovers....... I'm not the first to say it but I might be the most persuasive.



Geeez, did I forget to say that my daughter and all her friends got them? Sorry again! :D

Ya know, I'm getting so filled with guilt, I might just have ta put you in my Will! :rofl:


Well-Known Member
Hey folks, I combed through this thread but am looking for advice (or confirmation) on which Dynavap to get so I'll keep it short an sweet.

Use case:
- Only going to use maybe once a week
- Only going to take 1-2 draws at most ever, I'd like to be able to save/preserve load for future time
- Would prefer to just use a lighter/candle to stay discrete (most likely in my backyard/etc)

So it sounds like the M is the no brainer to not put a lot of money into something I will use rarely but also it sounds like the TI models warm (and cool) quicker which I assume would be better for a small batch and saving some for another time. Also the adjustability for a smaller batch.

I think I am torn between the M or the Ti Woody-S and I don't know if I have made the correct assumptions above.

Really, I wanted to just get a grasshopper but the idea of tinkering with electronic issues over time doesn't sound appealing which led me to the more analog solution of the dynavap. I am 100% new to all this and a little overwhelmed at the options but I think I wound up in the right place.

Hi @wkndwarrior, good question.

I think something with a Ti tip would be good, as you get the adjustable bowl, which will make loading a small amount easier and ensure it vapes evenly, plus faster heatup and cooldown times, which if you want stealth does count for something, as you can heat it faster, and pocket it faster. On that point I agree with others that a small butane lighter would be better for you. A bic or candle does take an annoyingly long time, think 30-60 seconds of holding the vapcap over it, spinning constantly. If I were you I'd get a small quad or triple lighter, so you can have really fast heat-up and then be done. Though bear in mind that butane lighters like that do make a sound when they're on.

I have the Grasshopper and a couple of vapcaps, and am mostly consuming like you do at the moment. I agree with your analysis, the Grasshopper would be perfect for you, but it could be more hassle than you want if you need to get it repaired. That said, the reliability does seem to be improving (still nothing on the Vapcap, though), and it does work very very well for your use-case, so I would seriously consider it if I were you.


Well-Known Member
Last day in Amsterdam :\ Soaked and cleaned the OG ready for travel but the flippin' thing cracked when I was trying to reinsert the screen :ugh:. Second broken OG for me :shrug:. A shame because I was really loving the simplicity of Vapcapping on the move but at least it happened on the last day, not the first :). My Omni is waiting for me at home ;)


Well-Known Member
Does anyone that has a nonavong XLS wish they got the smaller nonavong (or @Winegums Wong) and an double crown XL stem instead of trying to combine them?

Just wondering if the length is a drawback for using with glass (sticking up out of short joints on small bubblers or not fitting because it's too long)?

Do you recommend getting a standard condenser in case you need to remove the mp?

I have a nonavong xls as well as a standard vong and multiple other configurations. I picked up the nonavong during the Independence Day sale along with a gang of other things. I also have a wooden vong I picked up a year or so ago before the nona's were introduced.

I don't regret it for a second. The nonavong xls is like handling a fine cigar. The extra weight in the hand feels nice and the length makes it easier to spin.

I occasionally swap out the XLS condenser for a standard one because I have one bubbler where the MP creates a clearance issue (my 14mm f-bomb).

If you want a suggestion I would just pick up an M because you widen your options by a mile!

With 1 M and 1 Nonavong you now have the following configurations available.

1. Nonavong XLS
2. Nonavong with standard condenser
3. M
4. M-xls. Just thread the xls condenser through the entire M body, the two mouthpieces back to back may look a little different at first but it's still very comfy in hand

Plus with each configuration option you can alternate between Ss and the TI tip, so you actually have 8 potential configurations at your disposal for 50 bucks. To me that is win-win.


happy camper....
Hey folks, I combed through this thread but am looking for advice (or confirmation) on which Dynavap to get so I'll keep it short an sweet.

Use case:
- Only going to use maybe once a week
- Only going to take 1-2 draws at most ever, I'd like to be able to save/preserve load for future time
- Would prefer to just use a lighter/candle to stay discrete (most likely in my backyard/etc)

So it sounds like the M is the no brainer to not put a lot of money into something I will use rarely but also it sounds like the TI models warm (and cool) quicker which I assume would be better for a small batch and saving some for another time. Also the adjustability for a smaller batch.

I think I am torn between the M or the Ti Woody-S and I don't know if I have made the correct assumptions above.

Really, I wanted to just get a grasshopper but the idea of tinkering with electronic issues over time doesn't sound appealing which led me to the more analog solution of the dynavap. I am 100% new to all this and a little overwhelmed at the options but I think I wound up in the right place.

The Grasshopper is the last thing I'd recommend. If you're considering buying one, at least look at the Grasshopper threads that talk about having to send them back for repairs multiple times. Has it improved over the last several months? Maybe, but I wouldn't take a chance when you could have the perfect little stealth vapcap like the M. :)

That's not to mention that the Grasshopper takes a proprietary battery that is not long-lived. For ecigs the 18650 batteries are great, but these proprietary batts are for the birds, and even the 18650's have trouble lasting very long in cannabis vaporizers.
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Well-Known Member
Pro Tip: If you've broke / lost all of you're M o-rings and the replacements won't be here until Friday, go "hole in the sheet" with the tip through a small square of paper and vape the fuck on!
Someone, a long time ago, suggested using degummed hemp fiber, twisted into a rope in place of orings.

It's amazing that Vapcaps are not only beautiful, efficient, vaporizers, they will still soldier on under less than ideal conditions.
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I have a nonavong xls as well as a standard vong and multiple other configurations. I picked up the nonavong during the Independence Day sale along with a gang of other things. I also have a wooden vong I picked up a year or so ago before the nona's were introduced.

I don't regret it for a second. The nonavong xls is like handling a fine cigar. The extra weight in the hand feels nice and the length makes it easier to spin.

I occasionally swap out the XLS condenser for a standard one because I have one bubbler where the MP creates a clearance issue (my 14mm f-bomb).

If you want a suggestion I would just pick up an M because you widen your options by a mile!

With 1 M and 1 Nonavong you now have the following configurations available.

1. Nonavong XLS
2. Nonavong with standard condenser
3. M
4. M-xls. Just thread the xls condenser through the entire M body, the two mouthpieces back to back may look a little different at first but it's still very comfy in hand

Plus with each configuration option you can alternate between Ss and the TI tip, so you actually have 8 potential configurations at your disposal for 50 bucks. To me that is win-win.

I already have a M, I'm just looking to get a more luxurious set, at the moment I'm waiting on a blackwood nonavong xls and matching blackwood dynastash; with two garages instead of one, two magnets and a dab tool.

Just having second thoughts on whether I want/need the length on the vong? Maybe I should get a standard nonavong and a XLS stem at a later date? Hmmmmm I'm too indecisive haha


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I'm winding down ready for a vacation in the sun, but I got these done.
An 18mm with the fatter part of the joint turned down to try and avoid a dumpy look.


As I've been asked about pipes since the Induction Heater success I threw a couple of my old pieces together.
Black Palm with a Walnut open twist.

And a usage video sped up to fit on IG
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