unbearably light in the being....
What's "the McGuffin?

"The McGuffin" was Hitchcock's name for the thing (or person) everyone in the movie is chasing...I just didn't want to keep typing "Omni XL condenser" over and over
I took out the condenser to look at it, but the condenser itself doesn't separate in 2 pieces. What separates from the condenser is the tip & mp. I do see where the tip, via threading, screws into the condenser. Is this what your are referring to when you talk separation?
What do you mean by cross-section/ID?
I've been referring to the two-piece assembly in my head as 'the condenser' all this time, with a tip end and a mouthpiece end...didn't know it would sound wrong to others...but yes, those are the two exact pieces I meant.
As for the other, the hollow tube has a size across, an interior diameter (ID). Y'know how you can stick a straw into a slushie and draw out/lay out a straw-sized slushie worm? It's the size of the straw. But this is our air path, and the "air worm" we pull thru the condenser/mouthpiece is the same in all the condensers (If I figure wrong, tell me!). It's how all the bits can play so well together.
My M shall be here tomorrow.
I am excited to see what the hype is really about. Any tips, tricks, pointers that'll save me 700 pages of reading and help me get some solid cloudy rips?
Yay! I love mine! I won't suggest you read the whole thing now - although it's a pretty damn good read, and there's a ton of likable, helpful, talented folks throughout - but you really should go back and read from the time Ms began to arrive. The M changed everything in good ways, and the best / most current data and feedback on 'Caps generally can be found between early April and now.
THAT you should definitely read - chock full o' goodness!
Oh, and welcome!
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