
Well-Known Member
anyone wanting to try it out, it is as easy as picking out an RDA and making a coil..

before i received my JarheadII i was looking at:
to pair with an evic vtc mini i already have.. along with plenty of 18650s.. all i would do is rock it without the drip tip, im sure the vapcap would fit in nicely.

the postless RDA is probably what most people will want (or the ability to go postless) as this will give you more room to work with, otherwise i have a feeling the posts would always be in the way. so if you can get rid of them and have more room to work, why not (for this application anyway).


Well-Known Member
I have a Divine Tribe, Linx Zero and Puffco Pro 2.
The Vapcap (with the S&B pad) is my favorite of all of them for concentrates. Thanks of course to @Squiby's guidance.
The taste is amazing.

It's so good that I ordered an M exclusively for it.

I've discussed this with them... we'll see if anything comes of it!

Wow. That's interesting to hear as Divine Tribe is supposed to have amazing taste. I have the S&B pads coming today. The DT V3 comes later this week. It will be interesting to compare the two.

But I'm not sure why I'm surprised. CO2 oil in hemp worked beautifully for me. I find myself preferring concentrates lately due to taste and value considerations. Nice to know that doesn't mean leaving my VapCap behind.


happy camper....
I ordered an M and the cocobolo Omni, etc, on Saturday the 8th...did I miss the sale by 3 days?:shrug:

I'm brand-spanking new to the Dynavap mods and really looking forward to getting my package! It'll come tomorrow, right? Ha I read and read and read here before ordering so I could pretend I knew what I was doing. :nod: (And I'm blaming all of you for my impulsively adding that Omni to my order!) :nod:

I have to thank all of you for educating me, seriously. And it's been very entertaining to see what you all think of the various vapcaps! I do have a few questions....

1 - I hear the M is great for concentrates. If you sandwich the concentrate between layers of the ungummed Hemp fiber, how do you get the first layer of fiber out to add more concentrate? Tweezers? :D

2 - What's Flexy?

3 - After using, how long must it cool before you can pocket/purse the vapcap?

4 - Here's my vote for a concentrate pad!

I don't think I've ever read so much about a mod and 99.9% of it is positive. Seems everybody loves their Vapcaps. I know I'm looking forward to mine! I have a little Vector see-through single torch and a double torch Blazer so one of those should work well. I like being able to see how much butane I've got (Vector).

If there's any particular thread I should read as a vapcap newbie I'd appreciate knowing about it. I love reading here and thanks to all of you for all your good input! :)


Well-Known Member
While I do agree that it would be a snazzy setup to pair a VapCap with a portable VapCap heater, it seems it would violate @VapCap 's "battery free" crusade....... :ugh:

I know the battery freedom thing is their "schtick". But that has little to do with Dynavap's appeal to me. I love them because they are the easiest vape to use, with some of the best taste I've ever encountered.

Not charging batteries is simply a nice little bonus for me.


thoroughly vaped
While I do agree that it would be a snazzy setup to pair a VapCap with a portable VapCap heater, it seems it would violate @VapCap 's "battery free" crusade....... :ugh:

Different strokes for different folks - and different situations I suppose.

I enjoy my VCs, but still use battery vapes also. This type of electric (battery) heater would be great in certain situations I vape. Especially, out in public, where using a triple jet torch could raise suspicion and make a VC look like something a lot more "druggy" (and for harder drugs). Think using a small electric heater, like this mod, makes it look more like an e-cig to most unfamiliar with vaping.

It's also dead quiet, other then the small click, and virtually windproof. Two things that would come in very handy when out and about! Or, riding in the passenger/back seat for a couple reasons. You don't need to see if your flame is actually going in bright sunlight (even worse with polarized shades on - almost impossible), and you're not making the driver crazy (assuming they're OK with vaping) with constant lighter clicking and jet sounds. Many more good ones I'm sure. Only mentioning a few that would have been nice just this past weekend.

I have a Pipes Portside (that should be home soon after heading back to Pipes' Central for repair). It is AWESOME! It's bigger than I'm likely to carry in my bag and not something I'm likely to take out and about - other than discretely mounted in my own car. Would be nice to have something cheap like this I can drop in a cargo pocket. It's lighter, easier to use discretely and something I'm not as worried about getting torn up or ditching if necessary (cheap to replace).

"Violate"? Puh-lease! Use your vapes however you see fit, and everyone else should do the same - VCs and others! Good to follow directions and other's techniques until you get things down and get a feel for them. After that? Please experiment as much as you feel comfortable with, and share any revelations here!

I ordered an M and the cocobolo Omni, etc, on Saturday the 8th...did I miss the sale by 3 days?:shrug:

I'm brand-spanking new to the Dynavap mods and really looking forward to getting my package! It'll come tomorrow, right? Ha I read and read and read here before ordering so I could pretend I knew what I was doing. :nod: (And I'm blaming all of you for my impulsively adding that Omni to my order!) :nod:

I have to thank all of you for educating me, seriously. And it's been very entertaining to see what you all think of the various vapcaps! I do have a few questions....

1 - I hear the M is great for concentrates. If you sandwich the concentrate between layers of the ungummed Hemp fiber, how do you get the first layer of fiber out to add more concentrate? Tweezers? :D

2 - What's Flexy?

3 - After using, how long must it cool before you can pocket/purse the vapcap?

4 - Here's my vote for a concentrate pad!

I don't think I've ever read so much about a mod and 99.9% of it is positive. Seems everybody loves their Vapcaps. I know I'm looking forward to mine! I have a little Vector see-through single torch and a double torch Blazer so one of those should work well. I like being able to see how much butane I've got (Vector).

If there's any particular thread I should read as a vapcap newbie I'd appreciate knowing about it. I love reading here and thanks to all of you for all your good input! :)

GREAT CHOICES! Welcome to the wonderful word of VCs.

IME "M" & Ti tip are both good for concentrates. M will come to full heat a bit slower, and retain heat a bit longer. Depends on how you like to hit your trates, but could see this as beneficial to many.

Think flexy is just a specific dab tool to help with scraping reclaim. IME, any decent dab tool with a flat blade & shaft small enough to fit into condenser will work fine. My favorite Ti dab tool has this, and a wider blade on other end, but forget where I got it and has no branding.

Once you hear the cool down click, it is cool enough to drop in a doob-tube (the little green or purple plastic case) like your VC comes in. Have NEVER had a problem with it being too hot for this, even after particularly long sessions of a few loads. You're always letting it cool before re-heating (if doing it right), so never really gets SUPER hot.

May be nice for George to come up with a specific concentrate pad - super genius that he is! Hemp fiber works great for me. If you'll be running a lot of trates, I'd suggest @Squiby 's tip to make a screen sandwich with hemp in between AND a layer of hemp fiber on top of screens to hold trates as they melt. I don't run a lot through mine, and find just using a nice hemp fiber disk tamped to screen, and another fluff, with concentrate rolled up in it, works fine. Keep an eye on how melted trates are going and be sure they're not going through the bottom hemp disc and you should be fine.

MUCH MORE INFO about these and other things in "Best of" thread, and all over DynaVap site. DV FAQ is OK, and answers some questions. Vids there are good, but there are many more on the DV YouTube channel. This thread on jet lighters is also very helpful, as well as several others for custom VC stems. Also, probably a good idea to do a search in this thread for @Squiby 's post. Many of her posts are chock full of great info and tips. She is unquestionably the Queen of VapCaps!

Almost forgot.... Looks like you ordered right on the tail end of a BIG sale. DV does this a few times a year, and the number of orders these sales generate seem to be getting much larger with every one. Sucks to have missed the sale prices (no worries, more coming in the future I'm sure), but worst part may be that your order is going to take a bit while they try to get out all of the sales orders. Don't sweat it. I don't know of any other vape company that could do all this as fast and well as DV.
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happy camper....
Different strokes for different folks - and different situations I suppose.

I enjoy my VCs, but still use battery vapes also. This type of electric (battery) heater would be great in certain situations I vape. Especially, out in public, where using a triple jet torch could raise suspicion and make a VC look like something a lot more "druggy" (and for harder drugs). Think using a small electric heater, like this mod, makes it look more like an e-cig to most unfamiliar with vaping.

It's also dead quiet, other then the small click, and virtually windproof. Two things that would come in very handy when out and about! Or, riding in the passenger/back seat for a couple reasons. You don't need to see if your flame is actually going in bright sunlight (even worse with polarized shades on - almost impossible), and you're not making the driver crazy (assuming they're OK with vaping) with constant lighter clicking and jet sounds. Many more good ones I'm sure. Only mentioning a few that would have been nice just this past weekend.

I have a Pipes Portside (that should be home soon after heading back to Pipes' Central for repair). It is AWESOME! It's bigger than I'm likely to carry in my bag and not something I'm likely to take out and about - other than discretely mounted in my own car. Would be nice to have something cheap like this I can drop in a cargo pocket. It's lighter, easier to use discretely and something I'm not as worried about getting torn up or ditching if necessary (cheap to replace).

"Violate"? Puh-lease! Use your vapes however you see fit, and everyone else should do the same - VCs and others! Good to follow directions and other's techniques until you get things down and get a feel for them. After that? Please experiment as much as you feel comfortable with, and share any revelations here!

GREAT CHOICES! Welcome to the wonderful word of VCs.

IME "M" & Ti tip are both good for concentrates. M will come to full heat a bit slower, and retain heat a bit longer. Depends on how you like to hit your trates, but could see this as beneficial to many.

Think flexy is just a specific dab tool to help with scraping reclaim. IME, any decent dab tool with a flat blade & shaft small enough to fit into condenser will work fine. My favorite Ti dab tool has this, and a wider blade on other end, but forget where I got it and has no branding.

Once you hear the cool down click, it is cool enough to drop in a doob-tube (the little green or purple plastic case) like your VC comes in. Have NEVER had a problem with it being too hot for this, even after particularly long sessions of a few loads. You're always letting it cool before re-heating (if doing it right), so never really gets SUPER hot.

May be nice for George to come up with a specific concentrate pad - super genius that he is! Hemp fiber works great for me. If you'll be running a lot of trates, I'd suggest @Squiby 's tip to make a screen sandwich with hemp in between AND a layer of hemp fiber on top of screens to hold trates as they melt. I don't run a lot through mine, and find just using a nice hemp fiber disk tamped to screen, and another fluff, with concentrate rolled up in it, works fine. Keep an eye on how melted trates are going and be sure they're not going through the bottom hemp disc and you should be fine.

MUCH MORE INFO about these and other things in "Best of" thread, and all over DynaVap site. DV FAQ is OK, and answers some questions. Vids there are good, but there are many more on the DV YouTube channel. This thread on jet lighters is also very helpful, as well as several others for custom VC stems. Also, probably a good idea to do a search in this thread for @Squiby 's post. Many of her posts are chock full of great info and tips. She is unquestionably the Queen of VapCaps!

Almost forgot.... Looks like you ordered right on the tail end of a BIG sale. DV does this a few times a year, and the number of orders these sales generate seem to be getting much larger with every one. Sucks to have missed the sale prices (no worries, more coming in the future I'm sure), but worst part may be that your order is going to take a bit while they try to get out all of the sales orders. Don't sweat it. I don't know of any other vape company that could do all this as fast and well as DV.

Thanks! You are most helpful!

I didn't know the DynaVap site/mods even existed until I got bored one day on FT so I went to community discussions...chose a thread and bingo!...somebody mentioned it so I went exploring and wow...so glad I did!

Thanks so much for your help on doing the concentrates. I like the idea of rolling them in the fiber so that was a great suggestion. You seem to be a wise one. :myday:

Loving all those emoji's! Ha


taste buds
@flotntoke: I think @stark1 was simply saying that DynaVap creating an official battery-powered heater would violate their mission statement. I don't think he meant to say using one would violate anything.

DynaVap has built a lot of marketing around the fact that the VapCap doesn't use electricity. That's why all of the names use vap and not vape, the idea is that you're vaping without the "e". There was also the recent "battery Independence Day sale".

I'm sure George and the rest of his crew are happy to see us come up with our own battery powered solutions, but I doubt they would release anything official. I'd love to be proven wrong though... :brow:
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20 going on 60
the postless RDA is probably what most people will want (or the ability to go postless) as this will give you more room to work with

:doh: Of course, that makes much more sense.

While I do agree that it would be a snazzy setup to pair a VapCap with a portable VapCap heater, it seems it would violate @VapCap 's "battery free" crusade....... :ugh:

I don't believe it' s a violation of their mission statement as the VapCap has no batteries and doesn't need them. But a mod accessory would allow you to use batteries and coils as a heat source if you chose to.

One of the things I highly value in the VapCap is the flexibility the design affords.

I've read posts on here alluding to DV considering an induction charger so why not a mod adapter?

@flotntoke: I think @stark1 was simply saying that DynaVap creating an official battery-powered heater would violate their mission statement. I don't think he meant to say using one would violate anything.

DynaVap has built a lot of marketing around the fact that the VapCap doesn't use electricity. That's why all of the names use vap and not vape, the idea is that you're vaping without the "e". There was also the recent "battery Independence Day sale".

I'm sure George and the rest of his crew are happy to see us come up with our own battery powered solutions, but I doubt they would release anything official. I'd love to be proven wrong though... :brow:

I agree, I don't believe @stark1 was saying that using a mod is a violation of DV's mission statement but that DV may see them producing battery mods/adapters may be viewed as a violation of their mission statement.

But as mentioned above I personally wouldn't see it as a violation of their statement as long as batteries weren't required to use the DV vap range.

Its an interesting discussion with some fine lines between viewpoints but really if it's something users want and is cost effective to deliver I can't see why DV wouldn't offer such an option in the future.

People would buy it, because <see @flotntoke post for details>.


Free Men Don't Ask
The M took my expectations, strapped them with explosives, and slammed down the plunger like Wile E. Coyote. This thing is absolutely amazing for how cheap and tiny it is. Huge tasty rips and super even ABV.

Edit: And I haven't even used it with a torch lighter yet, just an old bic.

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thoroughly vaped
since it's rda discussion day...cant leave out the wisdom of @paytonpenn in this vid here

Yeah... kind of remember this one. This looks to be about perfect, other than the exposed coil (looks a little odd to others while heating, sure to get bent up in transit without a cover, likely to burn myself).

Does anyone know of an RDA that would cover something like this? @xlr8shun , would the one you linked be deep/high enough? Do you or anyone else know of one that would be if not this one? Really anxious to give this a whirl. We be out of town in a couple weeks, and think something like this could come in very handy! Thanks!!

@flotntoke: I think @stark1 was simply saying that DynaVap creating an official battery-powered heater would violate their mission statement. I don't think he meant to say using one would violate anything.

DynaVap has built a lot of marketing around the fact that the VapCap doesn't use electricity. That's why all of the names use vap and not vape, the idea is that you're vaping without the "e". There was also the recent "battery Independence Day sale".

I'm sure George and the rest of his crew are happy to see us come up with our own battery powered solutions, but I doubt they would release anything official. I'd love to be proven wrong though... :brow:

All good by me! Violate just seemed a bit much of a word there, and I'm a firm believer that anyone should use any of their vapes however they like. Love George and his ingenuity, but IMO once I'm paid and it's in my hands any intentions of how it goes from there are off. Still thinking about a small frame to hold a magnifying glass over a DV for use on the beach, or in other high sun areas. I need to stop vaping so much when I'm not so busy to get on this one!

As I like to say..... If you're drawing vapor, and happy with it, that's how you ought to be using it - well, until you see something better or come up with a better idea. :)
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Company Rep
Company Rep
My 510 heater is a lifesaver in a windy car, or on the beach. It works great for what I need it for, but not really mass marketable. For vapcap I am picturing something like the device crossing heating coil. Same principal as mine, but a ceramic cup to protect heating coil, and cap. I think something like that is cheap to make, it would need some kind of housing for it, and they would sell tons of em. Just my :2c:



Well-Known Member
@xlr8shun , would the one you linked be deep/high enough? Do you or anyone else know of one that would be if not this one? Really anxious to give this a whirl. We be out of town in a couple weeks, and think something like this could come in very handy! Thanks!!

sorry i cant say for sure if its big enough, i have looked for dimensions, but couldnt find anything. just by looking at the pics, im guesstimating it'll work. sorry i cant say for 100% until i take the plunge myself.

My 510 heater is a lifesaver in a windy car, or on the beach. It works great for what I need it for, but not really mass marketable. For vapcap I am picturing something like the device crossing heating coil. Same principal as mine, but a ceramic cup to protect heating coil, and cap. I think something like that is cheap to make, it would need some kind of housing for it, and they would sell tons of em. Just my :2c:

i have seen these notch coils too,, but never seen any with the coating on them like that. thats kinda of cool and i bet would work really well in an RDA as is.

you use that particular one? the vapcap fits inside? those notch coils i thought would be too small in diameter to fit



I have been having issues keeping my screens in place in the adjustable bowl for the omni. Even my new unused screens will not stay in place. Do you have any advice?

I was going to simply order some more, then noted the shipping costs and i hit the brakes!
Is your website correctly charging $7 to ship screens?

Would you please let me opt for any alternative shipping method? An envelope would work plenty well for me... Your consideration is appreciated!

Anyone know what are the main differences between ti and steel screens? Does the ti stay in place better or wear longer?


Company Rep
Company Rep
you use that particular one? the vapcap fits inside? those notch coils i thought would be too small in diameter to fit
No, I have a divine crossing V2 dry herb tank, this is just re replacement heater cup. It is unfortunately too small to accommodate a vapcap, cap or not. I would love to see someone manufacturer some with vapcaps in mind though...:brow:;)
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