
Vapes R Great
Had my first "miss the cooldown click" combustion today. First load after a ISO clean too.
I started to depend on the "click" too much and wasn't timing my heating. Stick to the ten second rule and it's all good.

Once you get the timing down to second nature and you stop heating the cap a second before you hear the click... that's the shit right there!


Pobre payaso
I'm still loving my M!

Got a package coming in tomorrow with a bunch of spare parts, wax, hemp fiber and a DynastashER.

I still have to work on my technique because I'm leaving some goodness in the ABV. I was able to use the ABV in my CFV at 443f and got two very nice clouds and a wispy one.

There appears to be a fine line between full extraction and combustion.....I haven't really combusted but I've charred the load a couple of times.


Somewhere North of The Wall
BEAUTIFUL Omni :nod::drool: what...a...stunner :tup:

FML....REALLY...Good thing I have that nonavong on order. Totally lost my vapebag. In it was my omni and dynastash xl g2... Do not travel while capped! :doh: So mad at myself
Damn that sucks :cry: sorry to hear.
I hope it turns up.

Maybe Dyna-cappers in legal locations could get their name/number engraved on their stashes?
I don't know whether George still offers engraving of the stash as an option?
I'd be intrigued to see what folk have had done on their stashes (I get the impression that there's not many engraved examples out there?), anyone?


Well-Known Member
Well my 'M' never turned up, thankfully though Arielle has issued a reship so fingers crossed it arrives. Such great customer service from DynaVap if only i could say the same about Royal Mail. I'm still trying to get a decent answer out of them, rather than them trying to pass the buck saying i need to contact usps, "er no" usps got it to the UK, royal mail are the ones that have lost it. The problem is the tracking says it was delivered so someone somewhere has a shiny 'M' and is probably wondering what the heck it is. :ugh:


Well-Known Member
@Haunts I feel your loss

My VC M, I think it will take me a long time to get to my country
... :bang:
I do not even know which piece is called MP silicone, which is used for 14mm crystals, can you put a link? Thank you!!
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Known to some and enigma to others
OK so I got a duel torch instead of using the Vertigo Triple that came with my Dynavap order, and started going into the draw a little also slower. That seemed to help me get better results for whatever reason. :sherlock: The heat up time slower, more hot spots and the clicks seemed louder. I had a hunch that would be the case. The Triple Vertigo might get a wind screen heat/shield/cozy for outdoor wind.

I need to educate myself about butane, torches and high altitude waterproof wind resistant torches that exist.

There other info by @GreenHopper about butane quality, etc.
Butane Quality / Lighter Refuelling Technique

I now can have a Micro-dose meal. Two 'M's and a log vape. @Stevenski even had something going between the two types of vapes as some sort of diet. If you aren't seeking visible clouds and can get with the low end vapor, this thing can probably squeeze things even further down for you. :2c:

So I cut off a 1/4 ring of silicone tubing and slipped it over the 'M'. It can be a carb cover or cap holder to prevent it from slipping off. Even cut a smaller hole to have the smaller carb hole option. The ring also helps with me spinning the cap one handed with less grip. I can roll it between my thumb and forefingers and get the cap fully heated.

Do some people purposely cool down the cap if they are taking several draws back to back? I've seen that in some vids. Wondering if there was something to that. :hmm: :peace:
I cool the Vapcap down by placing it in the stash magnet between hits so I can keep them rolling.


I make things from wood
Accessory Maker
I'm still confused as to why people are finding themselves waiting for a cool down click? I find that If I pull hard on the Vapcap I can get a lung full and it clicks just as I'm out of room. Anyone else go from click to click every time?


Well-Known Member
Dang. I can get 2 full hits in, and hold em in, till I get my cooldown click/POP. Now I got the rhythm of mine dialed in, I just give her a flash of torch after heat up click/pop. Ride the edge of combustion without actual combustion. Never had a vape give me a blast like this.. Be careful with this thing, will f you the f up. Thanks George and FC. Cheers, D


Well-Known Member
I also don't wait between clicks.. Though my lighter's... slightly modified for the task :science::D

When using a torch lighter, I do on occasion give a quick blind boost - a little extra heat to the cap before it clicks down. You really need to get a feeling of your lighter and VC, as you'll have to guesstimate how much to boost.

Meanwhile, about my modified lighter, I haven't made much progress with board design, though I've refined the code quiet a bit. I've managed to tune the PID settings to my liking. Here is the step response in three different modes (Low, Med, High), each with a different maximum power and slightly tweaked parameters. Here's a screenshot from a few days ago..



60 going on 20
I'm still confused as to why people are finding themselves waiting for a cool down click? I find that If I pull hard on the Vapcap I can get a lung full and it clicks just as I'm out of room. Anyone else go from click to click every time?
Yep, same here, click to click, one draw. 2 to 5 hits depending on variables, 4 is typical. One 4 hit session with a VC will keep me content for hours.


Well-Known Member
I find that If I pull hard on the Vapcap I can get a lung full and it clicks just as I'm out of room. Anyone else go from click to click every time?
It depends. When I am heating to lower temps my first toke cycle tends to tun out before the click, but only by 2-3 seconds. Higher temps and subsequent cycles helps the toke last to the click.

Vapcap; good till the last click. :tup:

almost there

Well-Known Member
I'm still confused as to why people are finding themselves waiting for a cool down click? I find that If I pull hard on the Vapcap I can get a lung full and it clicks just as I'm out of room. Anyone else go from click to click every time?
you bet, it's the only way I've ever done it. One pack= 3 heat ups=3 draws. Click>click>click>click>click>click, and then I'm done


Collector of Functional Art
I'm still confused as to why people are finding themselves waiting for a cool down click? I find that If I pull hard on the Vapcap I can get a lung full and it clicks just as I'm out of room. Anyone else go from click to click every time?
I usually only get one hit click to click. Granted, it's a long draw hit and I probably hold it in longer than some, but one hit will normally do the job. I can generally get 3 good hits off one bowl.


20 going on 60
I'm still confused as to why people are finding themselves waiting for a cool down click? I find that If I pull hard on the Vapcap I can get a lung full and it clicks just as I'm out of room. Anyone else go from click to click every time?

I tend to draw click to click mostly with the carb closed.

I have strong lungs so draw directly (not mouth to lung).

I only hit mine twice for the perfect 10 buzz.

I get, a wispy initial hit, the second is cloud city.

The AVB gets turned into coconut oil based cannacaps.

It's also about timing: I find two click-to-click sessions give me a good 60-90mins beginning at a 10 and then settling into a 7-8 for about 30-50mins.

It then tapers off to about a 5-6 for 15-30mins.

I prefer to wait until the tapering down part of my session is in the 1-2 range and then I just repack and go for my 2x click-to-click hits getting me back to my perfect 10. Rinse and repeat.

If I hit the third session during the tapering off period I can extend the 5-6 buzz for about 30 more mins. Usually I don't bother with this unless it's the last hit before bed and I don't want the full 10!!! experience.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I'm still confused as to why people are finding themselves waiting for a cool down click? I find that If I pull hard on the Vapcap I can get a lung full and it clicks just as I'm out of room. Anyone else go from click to click every time?
I never sit waiting for the cooling click.
Waiting means that some precious "-oids" ,"-ines",terpenes and rest instead of being absorbed,
they turn into reclaim oil by condensing.
I go like this: heating click (2nd) - empty lungs from air-start toking -cooling click -inhale vapor down to lungs-
Wait for 3-4 secs-exhale,usually through nose*.


Pretty much ...like a joint ...
You do not wait to go off.
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I make things from wood
Accessory Maker
Wow, that's more replies than I was expecting. I find that I get two or three click to click pulls before I'm not getting much more from the load. I use a tall glass bong to allow myself to see the vapour production throughout the heat cycle. It's typically nothing more than a wisp on the third go.

I recently received my package of M's in the mail and the first thing I noticed was the very high draw resistance. It almost felt like it was plugged with the carb closed and the cap on. I grabbed my round diamond file and cut some grooves into the top edge like the Ti tips and it's functioning a lot better.

The only difference between the M and Ti tips is that the M tip seems to hold heat for about 3-4 seconds longer than the Ti tip. I'm pretty consistent with heating my Vapcaps for a bong hit and I know that it's taking longer from click to click than my Ti.
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Well-Known Member


This one looks nice. It looks really small so I don't know if you wanted bigger or smaller.

Another small one someone mentioned was this one:

[link removed]

It seems like from other pipes that users mentioned and from browsing that all of the best pipes are 18mm. The 14mm just seem less plentiful and are really small.

Sneaky petes had a sale so I picked up a 10mm portable water pipe for my Dynavap/IQ. I have both so when I found this I had to have it:



They have a 14mm version on sale too. The 10mm I bought is sold out.

Modnote: Link to labeled counterfeit glass removed
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Well-Known Member
I have the Omni chamber set at 1/3 (smallest size) as a full chamber is a lungbuster for me. Also, I'm a micro-dosing lightweight. I go click to click with mouth-pulls, then lungs. Used to only get clouds on the second cycle but followed someone's recent advice (sorry, can't remember who :doh:) and am now preheating the tip/cap immediately before loading herb. This is giving me a couple of flavorsome clouds on the first cycle, enormous clouds on the second and then nothing much more.... Still experimenting with the Omni condenser length - I think I like it best almost fully open, cover the carb-hole while mouth drawing, then open carb when transferring to lungs. Not sure how I'll adapt to the apparently very restricted M :science:
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